/Chapter Twenty-Nine/

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Your PoV

It's another day, I decided to visit my since today She'll going to discharge at the hospital.

Last night was so tiring, I didn't know that Ms. Kim and dad will talk for 4 hours straight. They just talk about the company, business and also some personal stuff.

As far as I know Ms. Kim is just the same age as Jeongyeon unnie but she managed to talk to my dad about some non-sense topics.

After getting in my car, I drove myself to the hospital. Just in time, I saw Samantha and mom in the lobby.

"Mom, didn't I tell you to wait till I arrive?"

"I already told her but she won't listen." Samantha butted in.

"I just want to go home now, I need to go back to my house." She said

"Mom, it's better if you'll stay here. Or in my apartment, for now, try to avoid dad."

"Y/N I told you, it's just a small fight." She said and hissed.

How small is it that she ended up here in the hospital? Aigoo!?

"Then stay at my apartment instead."

"You separated from us because you want personal space, so I'm giving it to you. She said

I just sighed and shut my eyes in frustration.

"Ok, then I'll drive you back home. If dad did this again, please tell me." I said. She just nodded after that.

"Samantha, thanks for looking after her," I said

"No worries Ms. Yoo.

"I'll send the payment later, thank you again."

"Not a big thing, good thing your friend came to ease your mom's boredom." She said.

"Is that so, I'll go now," I said and bid my goodbye to her. I went in the car and started it. While driving I decided to ask mom something.

"Umji visited you yesterday?" I asked while eyes on the road.

"No, why?"

"Samantha said that my friend visited you..."

"Ah! Somi, she's nice."

I suddenly hit the break causing that made mom startled.

"What the? Are you crazy?!"

"Somi? Somi visited you?" I asked ignoring her first question.

"Yeah, she's about to go but then she walked in with me to my room..."


"You know Somi is nice, I heard that you'll be teaching her some techniques? You'll be taking the same course as her huh?"

"You shouldn't talk to her, She'll drive your life in danger," I mumbled suddenly I received a beat from my mom.

"Ouch! Why!?"

"Why are you like that? She's the first person who approached me saying she's your friend."

"What are you talking about? Umji is my only friend!" I hissed.

"Really? She's nice, you don't need to stick with Umji as always, she has a life too."

"Mom, Somi is... She's just a girl with nothing in her mind just love. I don't want to be with people who have that kind of mindset."

"That's exactly what you're lacking for, Somi is nice. You better befriend her."

"Dad said that I should avoid people who'll bring me to unnie, you also told me to do what dad wants, who am I going to listen huh?" I huffed.

"What? What are you talking about?"

So she didn't know?

"Somi is unnie's friend, they are in the same circle."

"Really?" She asked surprisingly.

"Really, so better stay away from her."

Not so long we arrived at the house.

"I need to go back, I already ask the maid to look after you."

"Thank you for dropping me here."

"It's nothing, I'll call you if I need something. Do the same." I said and left the house.

I went in my car and decided to drive to Dahyun's café.

Please, something good this day... I need it!

I sighed and as I arrived at the café I saw Dahyun serving her customers.

I sat at the vacant table where I usually sit and just wait for Dahyun's free time.

Just yesterday I remember Jeongyeon unnie sat at the table across from me.

She's really trying me?

"Y/N, What happened to you yesterday?" Dahyun asked as she puts down a cup of coffee and dessert that I always order.

"Had an emergency." I shortly said.

"You look exhausted, be mindful that the new week is the start of the class. You enrolled this year right?"

"Yeah, probably going to be busy. I need to go to school, then check the company, and also go to KC."

"KC? Why?"

"Well, Chungha wants me to be her secretary for just temporary. It's an observation thing if they should continue the partnership.

"Oh, I'll cheer you then, if you had problems in school just run to me." She said.

"Thank you and I will."

She just winked and gave me a thumb sign. Not so long we heard a door chimed. We look who came in and saw Jeongyeon unnie's girlfriend.

If this is just not my favorite place maybe I stopped going to her coz whenever I did, I always so Jeongyeon unnie or someone close with her.

"Nayeon unnie! Are you here to pay for Jeongyeon unnie?" I heard Dahyun asked.

Nayeon walked on us and greeted both of us. I just bowed as a response then continued to eat my food.

"Sorry for what she did yesterday."

"It's ok, as long as you'll pay for it. Anyway, had a good day?" Dahyun asked and signaled Nayeon to sit on the vacant chair at my table.

How nice.

"Oh Y/N- is it fine?" Dahyun also referred if it's fine if they will sit at my table.

"Yeah sure."

"Good, So Nayeon unnie, What happened?"

"Nothing happened Dahyun, it's just me, Sana, and Mina doing the daily routine we always do while our lovers are busy."


"It's really a good thing if you're partner is having the same interest as you, right Y/N?" Dahyun asked.

"Maybe? I don't know?" I said and shrugged.

They laughed but I just ignored it.

"I know the last time we met is not nice. So, I'm Im Nayeon, your sister's girlfriend." She said and offered her hand.

"Yoo Y/N." I shortly said

"Cool, now talk. I need to go back to work." Dahyun said and left the both of us.

I just sighed and drink my coffee, ignoring the awkward atmosphere around us.

"I really don't know what happened, I mean, you being her younger sister. I didn't know that."

"It's fine, I don't want to be known too," I said

"But your sister doesn't really talk about you nor her parents..." she said almost whispering.

I scoffed and look at her.

"Did she even trust you? I don't know anything about love romantically but I know that if the two-person are close together, then you should share your each other's story." I said that made her quite shocked.

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