/Chapter Sixty/

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Your PoV

I went back home since I don't have work for today. I was so tired for an unknown reason. I don't know if I can able to continue this.

I looked at the ceiling as thoughts are flowing in my mind.

What life awaits me outside the company?

If I refuse the marriage, Jeongyeon unnie will leave a better life with Nayeon...

They will be good as same as me.

Mom will be happy too.

I stood up and went out of my apartment again as I drive to someone's house.

"Hello, Dahyun?" I called through the phone.

["Y/N, what do you need?"]

"Do you know where Nayeon lives?"

["Huh? Why?"]

"I just need to talk to her."

"Oh, ok. I'll text you."

As I received the address, I drove to that place as I expect that I could talk to her.

As I arrived at the place, I pressed the doorbell and wait.

"Who is it?" A voice coming from a door intercom.

"I-I'm Y/N. I just want to talk to you."

Not so long the door went open revealing Nayeon.

"Y-Y/N... what are you doing here? Uhm, come in."

I nod and walk-in as I roamed my eyes around the place.

So unnie lives here too?

"Do you want anything? Juice? Coffee? How about wi-"

"No, I'm good."

"Are you here to talk to your sister? She's actually in the company... been bus-"

"I'm here for you. I want to talk to you." I said making her stop.

"O-oh... well, what can I do for you?"

I breathe deeply and look at her.

"Unnie had been busy these past few weeks.."


"Are you good together?" I asked making her halted back.

"W-why did you ask?"

"Nothing, I just... forget the last time I told you."


"The time I told you to break up with her. She's now doing her best for my dad to accept the both of you." I said as my eyes are not into her.

I don't know what I am doing, I just suddenly felt that we are but stuck in the situation.

Unnie needs to get the company for dad to accept them. But she needs to take it from me.

While I need to let go of it, for mom and Jeongyeon unnie. But I will fail dad's expectations.

"Don't leave unnie. She'll do her best for your future." I said and stood up.

"I'll go now, thank you for your time."

I was about to go after I bid but she stopped me.

"T-thank you."

"No, tell unnie that I thank her. I'll be seeking the better life outside the company that she's saying."

"Best luck on the both of you," I said and bowed before leaving.

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