Thank You.

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Dear Readers,

First and foremost, I humbly apologise for dragging this book. I started writing it 3 years ago when there wasn't even a single Jesse Lingard fan fiction on Wattpad, my goal was to become the first person to write a JLingz fan fiction and to have accomplished that, meant a great deal to me but unfortunately during the course of the last 3 years, my life had become a rollercoaster and I couldn't quite concentrate on the book and for that I am deeply sorry.

I had so sorry different things going on in my life and soon enough, I found myself diagnosed with severe depression. During this daunting time, I had lost complete interest in everything that I loved doing and in the process, I eventually lost myself. It was literally the hardest time in my whole 23 years on this earth. At that time, finishing this book meant absolutely nothing, simply because I didn't even believe that I would get through the year but I did.

Things are a little better now. I'm not completely out of the depression, but I'm definitely getting there slowly. I've recently started to feel happiness, which is something that I haven't felt in a really long time 🙂

So once again, I am very sorry for not finishing this book sooner. I hope you enjoyed the ending and I thank you for being so patient with me.

I have to decided to end the book at Chapter 90 because I have a bigger picture in mind. I feel like the last chapter gave off an happy ending, hence the reason I've ended the book with it.

I am currently working on a remake and I have another idea on my mind (Perhaps a different point of view😉.) I cannot tell you exactly when to expect these pieces, but they will definitely be out soon.

Regarding a sequel, well, we'll have to see what happens in the future😅
Feel free to let me know your favourite scene or chapter or anything that stood out to you in this story😊

Thank you for all your love and support throughout the years❤️ I hope you enjoyed the book as much as I enjoyed writing it😊

With all the love in the world,

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