▹ [45] Protective "Brother."

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Marcus Rashford's POV.

I sighed in frustration after reading Sophia's messages. I had no idea that Chamberlain was worrying her. That sick bastard is definitely going to get it from me. Nobody messes with my sister.

"Rash! Rash!" I heard Jesse call out.

"Uh." I said and turned to look at him.

"You alright bootie?" Asked a concerned Jess.

"Yeah." I replied. Jesse furrowed his eyebrows and then made eye contact with my clinched fist. I immediately opened my hand and turned to face my broski again. "I'm fine. It's just Madison. I don't think this long distance thing is going to work." I said.

Thankfully I thought of something fast otherwise Jess would have been on to me. Wouldn't want that when I'm on a mission.

I don't like lying to Jess but at the same time, I completely understand where Sophia is coming from. The World Cup is no joke. It is the most important accolade in International football so every player has to be one hundred percent focused on it. If you let your mind be bothered by other stuff then you'll definitely lose sight of it and that will result in a bad performance.

"Oh I'm sorry bro. Everything will be okay." Jesse said and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Thanks bro."

The music in the bus was really loud as usual but so were the team. Everyone were talking at the same time so you could hear their voices but couldn't actually hear what they were saying. But that was a good thing because we wouldn't want any ease droppers in our conversations.

I turned around to see where Chamberlain was sitting. I looked around and eventually saw him sitting next to Hendo, two rows away from the toilet. I turned back around and quickly thought of an excuse to tell Jesse.

"I'm gonna go call her."

"Alright bro." Said Jess.

I immediately stood up and started walking towards the back of the bus. As I got nearer and nearer to the toilet, I kept my eyes on Chamberlain, hoping to get his attention. After taking a few more steps, I got my wish. Chamberlain made eye contact with me. I quickly motioned for him to meet me in the back and he nodded.

Once I reached the back of the bus, I pulled out my phone from my pocket to check my messages as I waited for Chamberlain.

"Hey bro, what's up?" Asked Chamberlain after a few minutes. He was acting all innocent and that made me even more angry. If there's one thing that I hate, it's a pretender.

"Don't bro me. I know you've been messaging Sophia on Instagram." I said with a straight face and Chamberlain immediately started to laugh.

Chamberlain crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows. "So she told you." He chuckled.

"She tells me everything. Look man, she has a boyfriend who she loves and who so happens to be your international teammate so I'd appreciate it if you would stop messaging my sister because it is making her feel very uncomfortable." I said, trying to keep my voice down so nobody would hear us. It was extremely hard to hold my anger in but I knew I had to contain it.

"You say that she loves Jesse." Chamberlain chuckled. "She probably does but... Sophia can be won over very easily." Chamberlain smirked. "I mean, she did sleep with Dele a few days after she met him. She then started dating him which says alot because everyone knows that Dele is just a fuck boy." He added with a straight face.

How can he even think of Sophia in that way? She is not that type of person. She loves Jesse. She would never do anything to hurt him. And as for her relationship with Dele, I'll admit that they got together very quickly but I do know that she loved him right until he fucked things up.

"I think you should be the last one to talk. Remember when you cheated on your girlfriend with her sister. Poor Caitlyn. She thought you was the one. Well you definitely was the one getting into her sisters pants. So before you pick on Dele or Sophia, just remember that you've done worst things." I said straight into his face.

Chamberlain's reaction was rather amusing. I don't think he expected me to tell him off the way that I did. He probably thought that he could say whatever he wanted about Soph and that I would keep my mouth shut because I'm younger than him but he was certainly wrong.

"You have no right to pick on my exes." Chamberlain muttered.

"And you have no right to message my sister. Stay the hell away from her." I said and pushed him as I walked past him.


Anyone else loving this protective side of Rash? 🤔😁

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