▹ [65] What Just Happened?

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Sophia's POV.

I grabbed two bags of marshmallows from one of the food drawers and then was about to walk outside when Jesse walked into the kitchen. "Hey love," I said, cheerfully but my expression shortly changed into a frown when I saw the expression on Jesse's face. He was angry. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Care to explain this." Jesse said and held up my phone in his hand. It was open to a message from my lawyer Jules Freeman. A message that I hadn't read or even seen.

Oh no!

As soon as I read what the message said, I dropped both the packets of marshmallows.

Jesse looked at the packets of marshmallows that was now laying on the floor and then looked up to me. "Judging by your reaction, I would say that it's true. You're... you really are married to that bastard Colton Haynes." Jesse yelled out. Jesse was practically crying out his words and that made my heart sink.

I immediately burst out into tears. "I wanted to tell you, but..." I said and trailed off.

"BUT WHAT?" Jesse yelled out, causing me to flinch. "But what? Huh? Tell me. Tell me exactly why you didn't even care to tell me that you're married. When? How? When did this even happen?" He asked. His face getting redder and redder by the moment.

"On the 10th of August 2017. Two and a half years into our relationship. I wanted to tell you so badly." I sobbed.

"Who else knows about this? Huh? Maddison? Danny?" Asked Jess.

"No. No one. Just me and Colton. We wanted to keep it a secret." I managed to say.

"So what, the last 4 months has just been a joke to you? Huh? Sophia, we have been waiting to get back together for so many years. We planned to spend the rest of our lives together but for some reason, every time we're happy, a blast from your Hollywood past gets in the way of our relationship. Your secrets gets in the way of our relationship and I can't do this anymore. There's only a limit someone can take and I've reached that limit." Jesse said as he tried so hard to fight back the tears.

"No! No! No! No! Jesse, don't say it." I cried out. "Please just don't say it." I said. At this point, my crying had gone uncontrollable. My entire body started to shake as my heart dreaded those final words.

"I'm sorry but.." Jesse said and trailed off. "I don't want to do this. Believe me. I really don't but I have too. For my sake. I can't keep on getting hurt like this anymore." Jesse said, the tears streaming down his face. "It's over, Soph." He said and burst out crying.

"No. Jesse." I said as I shook my head. I grabbed ahold of his shirt as I looked him in the eyes. "Please don't do this. Colton agreed to a divorce. We're going to get divorced and then everything will be alright." I pleaded to him.

"It's not about that, Sophia. It's the fact that we just can't be together. I'm sorry but I'm done. I can't keep on getting hurt like this." Jesse said.

My throat started to get tight as my heart rate shot up to the sky. Jesse and I have broken up so many times before and we got back together eventually but this time I feel like I have truly lost him forever. I screwed up. I screwed up really badly this time and I don't think I can fix this.

I started to calm down a little. I was finally able to breathe properly again but for some unknown reason I just couldn't stay in the same room as Jesse. "I need to go. I just need to get out of here." I said and walked towards the exit of my kitchen.

I stopped when I heard Jesse call out to me and for the slightest moment, I thought he had stopped me because he wanted me back but I was wrong. "Sophia. I'll be out of here by the time you get back." He said.

I wanted to tell him how much it hurt me to hear him say that but Jesse had already made up his mind about what he had wanted. I wanted so badly to fight for our relationship but at the same time, I knew that there was no way in hell I could save it because even I had hated myself for what I did to Jesse. For how I hurt the love of my life. I will never forgive myself for it.

"Okay." I muttered.

Narrator POV.

Sophia simply replied with an "okay" before walking out of the kitchen and into the dinning room of her house to retrieve her car keys from the cabinet. She grabbed her purse, house keys and her coat before walking out of the front door. She waited as her garage door started to open slowly. Once it was opened fully, Sophia unlocked her car and jumped inside. She shut her door and immediately broke down into tears once again.

Sophia remained in her car for about 15 minutes, crying her little eyes out. Drowning herself in her own tears. Finally being able to pull herself together, Sophia put the car key in the ignition of the car and started the engine. She put on her safety seatbelt and then drove out of her garage. She then pressed on of the remotes on her house keys and turned around to check if the garage down was closing and it was.

Sophia drove around the city for about 20 minutes with no real direction as to where she was going. She started to cry once more as she recalled the last one hour of her life. The pain she felt, she had only felt once before in her life and that was when she had lost her dearest brother Thomas. The guilt she felt was starting to eat her up inside and she started to question whether she was a monster.

Completely dazed, Sophia was soon snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the loud sound of a cars horn. She then saw the bright shinning lights of a car coming towards her direction and that's when she had realized that she was driving on the wrong side of the road. With every bit of power she had, Sophia swayed the stirring wheel to the left, causing her car to go off the road and down a bumpy bank. Sophia pressed on the car brakes as hard as she could but the car brakes failed her. And before she knew it.....


...her car went crashing into a tree.

Sophia hit her head extremely hard against the windscreen, so hard that she was knocked out immediately.

The young man who was driving the other car stopped on the side of the road and ran out of his car to check on the vehicle that went down the bank. He rushed down the bank as fast as he could and when he got to the car, he noticed that the windscreen and most of the windows were shattered. He looked inside the car and immediately noticed the daughter of the great Sir Alex Ferguson lying unconscious in the drivers seat, covered in blood.

The young man immediately pulled out his cellphone from his pocket and called 911. He made sure to mention that the person involved in the accident was none other than Sophia Ferguson.


Holy Moly!
I hope Sophia is okay😪

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