▹ [83] Welcome Back, Baby!

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"Miss Sophia, can I get you anything?" Asked Andre.

"No thanks. I'm good, thank you." I said and smiled.

Even though I was only gone for 2 months, it felt good to be back home, to be back in my room. The last two months was an emotional roller coaster. Saying goodbye to Teenage Drama was one of the hardest things I've had to do. I feel like with the life that I have built here in London, I'm practically walking away from my Hollywood career. A career that I worked so hard to get. And for what reason am I giving it all up?


Sometimes I wonder if the decisions that I make are the right ones or if I am going to regret it one day. I wish I was more like my brother. He had his entire life planned out. He lived up to the expectations of being a Ferguson.

Just then my phone buzzed, indicating that I received a message. It was a message from Paul Pogba.


Agent P

Hey little sis!
When are you coming back?

Agent P😁
I landed about 45 minutes ago😊

Oh good!
Birthday Bash tomorrow🥳🎉🍾
I rented out Panacea for the night😏

Cool! I'll definitely be there😉

Great!😁 Doors open at 7😘
Alli is invited too😜

We're trying to stay away from bad press
so I don't think that will be a good idea😅
but thanks for the offer❤️

No problem little sis❤️
You guys do what you need to do✌🏿

See you tomorrow🤗

See you


It was very thoughtful of Paul to invite Dele to his party but the truth is, at the moment Dele and I are trying to lay low. We don't want to draw any attention, especially from the media. Our relationship is out. Everyone knows about it which is all well and good but we still just feel the need to keep things between us private. I've had enough bad press to last a lifetime and the last thing I want is for the media to get involved into yet another relationship of mine.

Speaking of my boyfriend, he had just walked in with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "Welcome back, baby!" Dele said with a gigantic smile on his smile.

"Awww, thank you. I love the flowers." I said and gave him a little peck on his lips.

"Emma." I called out to the housekeeper.

"Yes, Miss Sophia. Nice flowers." Emma winked as she walked into my room a few seconds later.

"Thank you, Emma! Can you please put them in a vase?" I asked her, well actually I commanded.

"Yes, Miss Sophia." Emma said. She took the flowers from my hand and then left with them.

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked my boyfriend who stood in front of me with his hands on around my waist.

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