▹ [52] The Big 2-4.

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The clock struck midnight and the room door immediately opened. Jesse walked in with a chocolate cake in his hands, singing the birthday song with a number 24 candle on the cake. I smiled as he sat down next to me on the bed.

"Happy Birthday baby!" Said Jess as he pecked my lips.

"Thanks babe." I said.

"Make a wish and blow out your candles." Said Jess.

At first I laughed but then I decided to actually do it. I closed my eyes and made a wish. I then opened my eyes and blew out my candles. Jesse placed the cake on the bed and then stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To get something. I'll be back in a sec." Said Jess.

He literally walked to the door, opened it and pulled something from outside the door. The thing he pulled out turned out to be a sliver trailer. As he pulled the trailer towards the bed, I was finally able to make out with was in the trailer.

I smiled as he walked towards me with a bouquet of red roses. "Roses for me lady." Jesse said and handed me the bouquet of roses.

"Thank you kind sir." I teased.

"Sauces for this delicious cake." Jesse said. He picked up the sauces and placed them on the bed.

I was starting to think that he was going to mention everything he had in the trailer as he took them out.

"Forks to go with the sauces." Jesse said and placed the forks on top of the sauces.

I was right.

"A knife for you to cut the cake." He said and handed me the knife with the red ribbon on it.

I took the knife and cut the cake in the middle. I then sliced it so that we both could eat a piece of it. After cutting the cake, Jesse placed the remaining cake into the trailer. He then picked up a small sliver box that looked like a chain box. The box was covered in gift wrap and had a red bow on top of it.

"It's nothing big but I hope you like it." Jesse said and smiled at me. He gave me the little box and then ate a piece of cake.

"I'm sure I'll love it." I said.

I removed the bow and then started to remove the tape from the gift wrap. Under the gift wrap was a shiny sliver box. I opened the box to reveal a sterling sliver chain that had my name on it. There were two hearts that were merged together on either side of my name. The hearts were outlined with mini Ruby gemstones. Ruby being my birth stone. There was also a gemstone on top of the I in my name.

Jesse was right. The gift was small but it made my heart melt. I'm pretty sure that this chain was custom made and designed by Jesse himself. It was so sweet and thoughtful of him to get me something so stunning. A chain like this probably costed him alot of money.

"Aww babe, it's so beautiful. I love it." I said and leaned forward and kissed him.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I have the sweetest boyfriend ever. I am so happy and grateful that I get to spend my birthday with him. It's definitely off to a great start.


17 hours later.

Jesse unlocked the front door of his house, allowing me to walk inside first. It was now 5pm and we had just got back from having a late lunch and early dinner. Jesse suggested that it would be better to do that so that we could come home and relax afterwards. I decided to go with it since it seemed like a good idea.

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