▹ [44] Closer To Him.

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Waking up in bed next to him felt so good. For the past 3 weeks, all I could think off was this moment. The moment when I would finally get to cuddle with him again and my God, it was worth the wait.

I felt the bed dip as he turned to face me. I watched as his beautiful eyes slowly fluttered open. A smile appeared on his gorgeous face when he noticed me staring at him. "Morning beautiful." He said.

The sweet names that he called me always gave me butterflies in my stomach. It was simple words like those that sounded so good coming out of his mouth. "Morning babe." I said, admiring what was now mine again.

"I like this. It feels nice." Said Jess. A slight smile plastered on his face as our eyes were fixed onto one another.

"Me too." I whispered. "I wish we could wake up to each other every morning." I smiled back at my gorgeous boyfriend.

"Maybe we can." Jesse smirked.

I furrowed my eyebrows while I tried to figure out what Jesse meant by that. I mean it can only mean one thing but was he really implying what I think he was implying? "How so?" I asked.

"Move in with me."

Boom! Exactly what I thought he was going to say. "What?"

"Move in with me."

"No I heard what you said but are you serious?"


Moving in with Jess is a dream come true but it is also a very big step in our relationship. "Jess, this is a big move." I contested.

"Yeah but I think we're both ready for it. I know I am." Jesse said.

Jesse highlighted a very good point. We have only been dating for a month but we've known each other for the most parts of our lives.

"Fine. I will as soon as we go back home."

"I love you." Jesse said as he gazed at me.

"I love you too." I said and before I knew it Jesse's lips were against mine.


An hour went by and I was now sitting on the bed waiting for Danny. The England team are flying to Moscow today, ahead of the semi final game on Wednesday so Danny and I planned a day out in the city.

As much as I would love to fly to Moscow with them, this is my first time in Russia and I really want to tour the city. Danny and I only arrived to Samara yesterday so we didn't do much besides rest for a bit and then go to the match so we've dedicated today to touring the city.

"Jess!" Said Marcus as he walked inside my hotel room with his suitcase. "Morning sunshine." He added when he saw me.

"Morning Rash." I said as Marcus placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Broski. Yuright? Yokay?" Jesse said as he walked out of the bathroom. He zipped up his suitcase and grabbed his backpack.

"Good yeah." Marcus said.

"Babbbyyyyy, I will see you tomorrow in Moscow." Jesse said and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Have a good flight." I said as I watched the boys walk out the door.

"Bye Soph." Said Marcus.

"I love you." Said Jesse.

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