▹ [55] Fixed.

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Sophia's POV.

I sat on Dele's couch watching Ex On The Beach when Dele walked in with two cups of Hot Coco in his hand. He walked towards me and handed me a mug of Hot Coco before sitting down next to me.

"I hope Katrina won't mind that I am here. We don't actually get along well." I said and Dele immediately laughed.

"Katrina and I broke up." Dele chuckled.

My eyes immediately widened. "What? Why?" I asked and then took a sip of my hot coco.

"We're just two different people from two different worlds." Dele explained.

I completely understand where Dele is coming from. When I found out that Dele was going out with Katrina, I was shocked. I couldn't seem to figure out why Dele would go for someone like Katrina. She is practically the Regina George of Hollywood while Dele is more of the Troy Bolton of England.

And Jesse of course would be Peter Kavinsky.

"I understand that. It can be hard when that happens." I said as I brushed the top of the mug with my thumb.

"Yeah it can." Said Dele.

There was a brief moment of silence as we both just stared at the TV. Our eyes were fixed on the TV but our minds were elsewhere. The world around us was so quiet. You couldn't hear anything but the voices on the TV.

"Err...." Dele said and trailed off. I turned to look at him and he looked like he had something he needed to say to me.

"What is it?" I asked and changed my sitting position. I turned my whole body to face him.

"So I might have called Jesse." Dele said, quickly.

"WHAT? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" I immediately blurted. I put the mug down on top of the table and placed a hand over my forehead as my heart started to beat extremely fast.

"I'm sorry." Dele said.

"Del, I came to you because I didn't know how to face Jesse after what I saw. You know that! Why would you call him?" I asked and furrowed my eyebrows.

I honestly don't understand why Dele would betray me like that. He knew that I wasn't ready to face Jesse after the incident with Julianna and he still decided to call him.

"Because if this was a few months ago, I would have done anything to keep you away from him but it's not. Alot of things have changed since then. I've changed. You and Jesse are two of my closest friends and when you guys fight, it affects all of us so somebody has to fix it and that somebody had to be me." Dele said.

Technically what he said was half true but he still shouldn't have interfered.

"I didn't take you to be a meddler Del-boy."

Dele immediately laughed. "Well I am when I need to be one. Jesse's on his way here. He has something important to tell you." Dele said.

I guess what Dele did was a good thing. I mean I would have to face Jesse at some point, right? The sooner I face him, the better.

Minutes later, Dele's phone started to ring. He looked at me and showed me his phone. "It's Jess." He said before sliding his finger across the screen and answering it.

The conversation between Dele and Jesse indicated that Jesse was outside of Dele's gate. Dele then sat up from the couch and walked out of the living room.

A few minutes later, Jesse walked into the living room. "Hey Soph." He greeted me. Me being the stubborn person that I am, I didn't even look at him. "We need to talk." Jesse said as he sat down next to me.

"We have nothing to talk about." I hissed.

"Yunno that's not true." Jesse said.

At that moment, I couldn't even face Jesse. All I could do was put my head down and play with my fingers.

"Dele told me that you saw me with Julianna." Jesse said. "It's not what it seemed like." He added.

"Then what is it, Jess? Huh? What is it? I know what I saw. I saw you with that bitch!" I said and began to cry.

"Soph." Jesse said and gently grabbed my hand. I immediately pulled my hand away from him. "Julianna forced her way into our house and then she forced herself onto me. I swear I didn't do anything." Jesse explained.

My heart nearly skipped a beat after hearing those words come out of Jesse's mouth. I was shocked and extremely disappointed in myself for thinking that Jesse would actually cheat on me.

"WHAT?" I yelled out. "I was right! She is a bitch! Jess, if I'd only known that was the situation, I would have walked in and punched her in the face or something." I said and Jess immediately laughed.

He took my hand in his and started to trace circles on my skin. "Soph, why didn't you come in and say something when you saw us together? Why did you run away?" Asked Jess.

"Because I was a mess, an emotional wreck. I knew that I wouldn't be able to face you so I bolted." I said, softly.

Jesse leaned closer to me and placed his hand around me, allowing me to bury my head into his chest. He knew how bad I felt for accusing him of cheating and decided to comfort me in my moment of weakness.

It felt so nice to be in his arms again. I know it had only been about 8 hours since we were laying in bed together earlier this morning but I had really missed cuddling with him. Jesse was my safe zone. Whenever I was with him, it was like all my problems would just disappear. It sounds cheesy but it's true.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." I whispered.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Look at me." Jesse ordered. I lifted my head up to look at him. "It's not your fault. Stop blaming yourself and stop thinking about it. It's over now so let's just move forward." Jesse said.

"I love you, Jessikins."

"I love you too baby girl." He leaned down and crashed his lips into mine.


Yayyy!!! Jephia is back😁
What are your thoughts? 🤔
Btw do you like the change in Dele's character? 🤔

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