▹ [71] Di-vorced.

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"Miss Sophia, you have a visitor." Said Andre.

"Thanks, Andre." I said and I walked out of my closet.

I grabbed my cellphone from the bed and head downstairs. As I was almost at the bottom of the staircase, I could hear my dad speaking to someone in the living room.

"You are not welcome here anymore so make this your last visit. If you ever step a foot inside my house again, I won't hesitate to throw you out and file a restraining order against you. Other than on the set of her show, I don't want you anywhere near my daughter. Consider yourself warned." My father said boldly.

Judging by the way my father spoke, I knew for a fact that the person who came to visit was Colton. I knew it had to be about the divorce because other than that, Colton wouldn't even dream about stepping inside my house.

"Yes, Sir! I am really sorry for all the pain I've caused your daughter." Colton said and that's when I decided to walk inside the living room.

"Hey baby." Said my father when he saw me standing by the door frame.

"Hi daddy." I said and smiled at him. My father walked towards me and placed a soft kiss on my forehead before leaving the living room.

I turned to look at Colton and he looked handsome as always. He had a big brown envelope in his hand. As soon as the saw me looking at the envelope, he threw it onto the table and said "This is what you wanted." He did. He almost looked like he was regretting signing the divorce papers.

"Thank you." I muttered. I walked over to the table and picked up the envelope and proceeded towards the exit of the room. "You know where the door is." I said as I continued walking.

"I'm sorry." Colton blurted out.

I turned around to look at him. "What?" I asked, softly.

"I'm sorry for hurting you, Soph. I'm sorry for all the pain I had caused you. I'm sorry for everything I have ever did to you." He said. Colton had tears in his eyes and that is how I knew that he meant what he had said. He was really sorry. "It took me for you to leave to realize how wrong I was when I let you go. And I know I'm too late now and it's okay because all I want is for you to be happy." Colton said. Tears escaped his eyes and that is what made me believe every word he had said. Colton was always the sensitive type, that was one of the things I loved most about him.

"I don't know what to say." I said, shyly.

The truth was that I honestly didn't know what to say. I was speechless. If Colton didn't break my heart, I would have never returned home so soon and if that never happened, I wouldn't have gotten a chance to spend my brothers last few weeks with him. I wouldn't have reconciled with Jesse. I wouldn't have met Dele.

"You don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know how sorry I am." Colton said as he walked towards me. "Goodbye Sophia." He added. Colton then left.

I opened the envelope and retrieved the divorce papers from inside. I smiled at the site of it. I am officially divorced from Colton. I'm free again. I'm not quite sure if I'll ever find love again but if I do, at least I won't make the same mistakes that I made with Jesse.

"Those are the divorce papers you were waiting on?" Asked my dad as he entered the room.

My eyes widened at his chose of words. "How did you know?" I asked.

My dad put his head down before looking up at me. "Jesse needed to give me a pretty damn good explanation as to why he hurt my babygirl." My dad chuckled. "He didn't want to tell me the truth. He kept on making excuses but I made him tell me." He added.

"He's a good guy dad..," I said and trailed off, "and I'm sorry for letting you and mom down." I said.

I was embarrassed. The things that I have done to bring my family's name down is pathetic. I never actually looked intentionally do it, it just happens. I guess that's what happens when you act without thinking.

"I am disappointed but you're growing and you're learning. You're gonna make mistakes and how you deal with it is what really matters." Said my dad. "Now, the board asked me to ask you if you would like to be in charge of the Prom committee for the fund raiser."

"What?" I blurted. "Yes I would love too." I said. I couldn't stop smiling. I've never gotten a chance to do these kind of stuff because of the fact that I was home schooled but I've already dreamed about doing stuff like this. I am thrilled that the board as given me a chance to live my dreams.

"I thought you might say that."

"Daddy, thank you!" I said to my father and he looked at me all puzzled.

"For what?"

"For everything."


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