▹ [18] The Rekindle.

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[continues from the
previous chapter.]

JLingz's POV.

'Lingard, Lingard, I be feeling like I'm Jesse Lingard.'

The song kept playing in my head. At first I thought, maybe I was just dreaming about it but once I felt something vibrating under my pillow, I realized that it was actually my phone ringing.

I grabbed my phone from underneath my pillow and slowly opened my eyes to see that it was Bean calling at 1:34 in the morning.

"Bean, it's half one in the morning. Why are you calling so late?"

"Because you're a moron." Rash replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Rash, come on. I'm been serious."

"Just come to my house. Sophia needs us." He said and with that he hung up on me.

I sighed and sat up. I leaned against my headboard and thought about whether I should go or not. After admitting my feelings to Sophia, I really didn't want to see her as yet. It's far too soon. But then again, it's past 1:30 in the morning and Marcus called. If it wasn't important, he would probably be knocked out by now.

I immediately got out of bed and put on one of my Gucci tracksuit pants, a T-shirt and some shoes. I grabbed my phone, wallet, car keys and my matching tracksuit jacket before heading downstairs. My parents stayed over at my house last night so I decided to quickly write a message on the fridge notice board telling them that I would be staying over at Marcus'.

15 minutes later.

I pulled up at Marcus' place at the same time as he did. This guy wasn't even home when he called me. I jumped out of the car and locked it before walking up to Marcus.

"Bean. What's up? And why were you out so late?" I asked him.

"This is why." Marcus said and opened the backseat door.

I was completely shocked to see Sophia lying on Alice's lap in the backseat of his car totally wasted and completely out of her mind. "Oh My God." Was all I was able to say.

Marcus grabbed Sophia's leg and pulled her out of the car carefully. "I wanna sleep." Sophia whined.

"First we have to get you inside." Said Marcus.

He grabbed Sophia's hand and threw it around his neck and picked her up so she could stand. Once he had gotten her away from the car, I pulled her other hand around my neck and helped him take her inside.

"Alice lock the car! The keys are inside." Marcus ordered.

So he's the boss of everyone today.

Alice locked the car and then opened the front door of Marcus' house to allow us in. Marcus and I immediately took Sophia upstairs and into the guest bedroom suite.

"Put her in the bathroom." I said to Marcus.

"No. I wanna sleep." Sophia said and tried to fight against us.

"No!" Said Marcus.

"Come on Sophia. You have to have a shower." I said.

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