▹ [76] Dele.

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My hand travelled down his shirtless back all the way down to his backside while my mouth continued to explore his. I then grabbed his right cheek and gave it a little squeeze. The moment that happened, I could feel him smile into the kiss as he tongue worked it's magic. I moved my right leg unto the back of his leg and moved it up to his backside. As his body pressed down unto mine, I could feel the hardness of his manhood in the middle of my legs and it was definitely turning me on. My panties were already very wet and that made me very excited because I haven't been turned on by a man in a very long time.

He broke away from the kiss and moved over to my earlobe, which he soon started to nibble on. He then made his way down my neck, making sure to leave a trail of soft wet kisses. "Shouldn't you start getting ready?" I asked.

He pulled away from my neck and looked at me with a smile on his face. "I was thinking that maybe we could do something different today." Dele said.

"Different like what?" I asked with a smile on my face. I was curious to know what Dele meant by 'different.'

"Let's take a walk." He said with a smirk on his face. Dele stood up and put his shirt back on. He then stuck a hand out to me, which I gladly took as he helped me get up from the couch.

Hand in hand, he led me to his backyard. As we got nearer and nearer to his backyard, I could get the smell of food. "Is that steak that I smell?" I asked, excitedly. Steak has always been one of my favourite things to eat. Dele knew that because for our first ever date, he took me to a steak restaurant.

"I don't know. Let's see." Dele smirked once again. He opened the back door, revealing the surprise he had planned.

I gasped at the sight of his backyard. I was completely breath taken by what I was looking at. The entire backyard was decorated with candles. There were candles literally everywhere, on the back porch, around the pool and there was even a trail of candles leading to the grass field in Dele's backyard. On the grass field, there was a table set for two with the caterers waiting to serve. The table setting was so beautiful and the food smelled so delicious. Dele had really outdone himself and I couldn't help but feel so special knowing that he had done this all for me.

"So is this better than going out on a date?" Asked Dele.

"Way better. I would choose this over some fancy restaurant any day." I smiled. Just then a funny noise came from my stomach, causing both Dele and I to start laughing. The smell of the food was making me very hungry.

"Well we better not waste any time." Dele smirked. he then stuck out his arm towards me. "Shall we?" Dele asked.

"We shall." I said as I put my hand through his.

Together we walked down the candle trail on the grass path. When we arrived at the table, Dele pulled out a chair for me. I sat down on the chair and Dele pushed it back in. Dele then took his seat.

"I can't believe you did all of this for me." I said, still completely astonished by Dele's kind gesture.

"I feel bad about the way things ended with us the first time." Dele explained his actions.

"We've been over this Del." I said to him, recalling the conversation Dele and I at my house after we broke up.

"I know but you didn't deserve that and I still haven't forgiven myself for hurting you. I meant what I said. You are the most beautiful, the most amazing, alive person I've ever known and I really did love you. I still do." Dele said.

Tears started to fill my eyes. I remember everything that Dele said to me that day at the beach and that day at my house. I remember everything word for word, like it was just yesterday. I even remember the part where Dele referenced Jesse and I to Romeo and Juliet but most importantly, I remember when he told me that he knew I was still in love with Jesse when he asked me out.

"I love you too Dele and I really want to make things work between us this time. No secrets. No lies. No lust. Just us in a love-filled relationship. That's all I ask for." I cried. The tears were out of my control.

"No Jesse?" Dele asked.

I knew that question was going to come at some point. My love for Jesse is very complicated. It has brought me joy but it has also caused me some of the worst pain that I have ever felt. The influence it has on me has made it to control most of my life choices and decisions. But even though it is something that I feel is worth fighting for, I also feel like it is something worth pulling the brakes on.

"No more Jesse. I promise."


Looks like Sophia is ready to move on👀😳
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Let me know in comments☺️

Also, incase you don't remember the conversations that Dele and Sophia refer to in this chapter, it is in the following chapters:
Chapter 29 - Face To Face
Chapter 31 - Kiss & Make Up

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