▹ [27] Women On The Verge.

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Sophia's POV.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Was I dreaming or was this real? Did I really just watch my best friend and my boyfriend cheat on me with each other? How could this be?

Tears fell from my eyes when I realized it was real. It all made sense. Total sense. This is the reason why Dele has been acting so strange lately. This is the reason why Alice has been disappearing all of a suddenly.

That guy she spoke about the other day, that was him. She spent the night with him after his FA Cup defeat. I highly doubt that all they did was 'talk' the whole damn night.

When she came home the next day, she was asking so much questions about my relationship with him and yet she must have already known. That's why she was messaging him one way. They were probably planning where they would spend their holiday after knowing that I was going to The Hamptons with Jesse and Marcus. He even called her and I answered the damn phone.

"How could I have been so stupid? How could I have not seen this coming at all? All the signs were right there. Am I that dumb?" I asked the guys as more tears fell from my eyes.

Rash pulled me into a hug and started to rub my back gently. "Nobody could have seen this coming." Said Rash.

"Yeah Soph. Alice is your best friend. Nobody expected her to do something like that." Said Jess as he poured a glass of water.

He then handed me the glass of water. "Thank you." I said as I took the water from him.

The guys were been so supportive and I appreciated it so much. I needed them right now and they knew it. Rashy was hurt as well because he liked Alice but he was being so strong just so he could comfort me. It was so sweet of him to put his feelings aside for me. These guys are really one in a million.

"So what do you do now?" Asked Jess.

"First, we expose them." I smirked.

"How?" Asked Rash.

I picked up my phone from the table and gestured towards it. "We send out a tweet." I smiled the most devious smile I could.

I unlocked my phone and then went on twitter. I started typing a tweet and once I was done with the mentions, I clicked 'tweet'.

Sophia Ferguson
This is a shout out to my ex.
Heard he's fucking my "best friend"
Yeah, yeah, that hurt me I'll admit.
Forget that boy I'm over it ✌🏻
@dele_official @itsAliceXOXO
2018/05/23, 11:37

My phone immediately blew up with notifications. Everyone was retweeting, liking and replying to my tweet. All my followers were shocked. Some of my fans were even asking if I was joking while others quickly threw shade at Alice and Dele.

"Your tweet already has 25K retweets." Said Rash. He sounded a little amazed by the impressive figures.

"Looks like we found the shade tweet of the year." Smirked Jess.

Suddenly my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID and of course it was Dele. "This should be good." I scoffed.

"Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it." I answered.

"What's up with that tweet?" Asked Dele, causing me to roll my eyes.

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