▹ [67] Road To Recovery.

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Sophia's POV.

3 Weeks Later.

It's been three long weeks since my accident. Since I lost my memory. I'm now back home in Manchester, at my parents house. Apparently I used to stay with Jesse but then we broke up. I'm still not exactly sure why Jesse and I split. He seems like a great guy and every time I ask him what happened between us, he just says that it's not important at the moment because right now, my focus should be my recovery.

The doctors told me that my amnesia could be temporary. I want to believe that but it's been three weeks and I don't remember anything about my old life. They also advised me that coming home would be good for my recovery because the sceneries surrounding me might sparkle something and trigger my memories but since I've gotten back, nothing looks familiar. No memories of mine has come back.

Instead a whole lot of people who I used to know have dropped by. Family and close friends. They all seem really sweet and I wish I could remember them but I don't. Not even my 'best friend' Danny.

But I think the hardest thing I've had to deal with was coming to terms with the fact that I am a celebrity and that I come from a celebrity family. My dad is some football legend. The greatest football manager of all time, some would say. My brother used to play for Manchester United until he past away a few months ago and I on the other hand, diverted away from the football world and became a Hollywood sensation.

Apparently the reason why I was in LA a few weeks ago was because I was filming my TV show Teenage Drama. I can't even believe that I had my own TV show to begin with. But I was told that I had decided to leave the show and because it was my last season, I wanted to make the most of it but then Jesse dumped me and I ended up getting into that car and well we all know what happens next.

Jesse blames himself for my memory loss. I told him that it wasn't his fault but he refuses to listen to me. That just shows what a great guy he is. I wish he could see it. I don't understand how I could ever hurt a guy like that. There must have been something seriously wrong with me in order for me to do something so stupid like hurting him.

I wish I knew what I had done to lose him so that I could hopefully rectify my mistake and get back together with him. Maybe then some of my memories would come back.

And then there's the other thing that's on my mind, my brother. I wonder what he was like and if we were close. I wonder if I was a good sister to him. His death was such a tragedy. He was still so young. He practically had his whole life ahead of him, his whole career.

Just then there was a knock on my room door. I looked up to see one of my friends, Trent standing at the door with a box of chocolates in his hand.

"Hey Trent. Come on in." I greeted him with a smile.

"Hey Soph." He said as he walked in. Trent walked over to my bed, reached down and gave me a hug. "These are for you." He said and handed me a box of chocolate fingers. "Their your favourite." He smiled.

"Thank you so much." I said and took the box from him. I placed the box of chocolates on my nightstand and then changed my sitting position. I crossed my legs together so that Trent could sit in front of me.

"So how you doing?" He asked.

"I'm okay." I whispered. "But it's just so frustrating cause I can't remember anything and I really really want to get my memories back." I cried out.

"Hey don't cry.. in time you will get them back." Trent said and rubbed my knee gently.

After a short moment of silence, I decided to speak up. "Do you know why Jesse broke up with me?" I asked, hoping that Trent would be able to give me the answer that I needed.

"No, Soph." Trent said and shook his head. "I don't know what happened in America." He added.

"Then did you know my brother?"

"I met him a few times but we never actually spoke but judging from what I've heard about him, he seemed like a really great guy. I know that he loved you alot and that you loved him just as much. I also know that you were very devastated by his death but you got through it by knowing that you will see him again one day and that no matter how hard life gets without him, he will always be with you." Said Trent. After hearing everything that Trent had said, I started to feel a hell of a lot better. He knew exactly what to say, exactly how to comfort me and that meant alot to me.

"Oh and regarding Jess, well, just give him some space. He'll come around eventually."

"How sure are you?"

"Positively sure. The two of you have an undying love for each other. It's completely unbreakable and totally worth fighting for. No matter what, you guys were meant for each other. Y'all were meant to be together. Soulmates is an understatement. So don't give up on him."

"I won't. You're a great friend, T." I said and smiled at Trent.

"I will always be here for you." Trent said and returned the smile.


Aww, Trent is such a cutie🥺
I know my timing of bringing him back is awful, considering the fact that we play them on Sunday🤦🏽‍♀️ but I just had too😅

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