▹ [43] It's Coming Home Kiss.

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Tournament: FIFA World Cup.
Fixture: Sweden vs England.
Stage: Quarter Finals.
Location: Samara, Russia.

Full Time:
Sweden 0
England 2
(England advances to the semifinals)

The referee blew the full time whistle. That was it. The boys had done it. They had advanced through to the semifinals. The atmosphere in the Cosmos Arena was electrifying. The England fans in the arena were going insane as the 'it's coming home' chants were roaring through the stadium.

I watched as the England players walked around the field applauding the fans for the wonderful support they were giving them. I felt a hand squeezed onto my hand and immediately turned to the person next to me.

"I'm so proud of him." Said Jesse's mom, Kirsty. "This was his dream and his dream has finally come true. I couldn't more happy for him." She said.

I could see that Kirsty was starting to get emotional so I immediately grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her. "Aww, Kirsty." I said as I hugged her.

Kirsty is such a great mom. She actually flew all the way to Russia to see Jesse because she was missing him so much. Jesse is her life. He is everything to her just like how she is everything to him.

I pulled away when I saw the boys heading our way. Jesse jogged over to us with the biggest smile plastered across his face. "Mom." He said as he walked towards Kirsty.

"Baby." She said and wrapped her hands around him.

Watching Jesse grappled his mother into a hug and squeeze her so tightly, brought a tear to my eye. That was such a beautiful moment between a mother and her son and I got the privilege of being in the presence of the moment.

"I love you so much, Mom." Said Jesse.

"I love you too, Son." Said Kirsty. Jesse kissed his mothers cheek before looking over to me.

I smiled at him as I wiped the tear off my face. "SOPHHH." Jesse blurted out loud.

"JESSS!!" I screamed and opened my eyes wide.

Jesse grabbed onto my waist almost the same time that I grabbed onto his shoulders. "IT'S COMING HOME, SOPH. IT'S COMING HOME." Jesse sang, causing me to laugh.

He then leaned forward for what I assumed would be a hug but instead Jesse had something else in mind. I got a shock when he placed his lips onto mine. I closed my eyes and decided to enjoy every moment of the kiss. It was such a spare of the moment thing. I mean the kiss literally came out of nowhere but it was worth everything.

Jesse pulled away all of a suddenly. He had finally reached his senses. "I'm so sor-" He said before trailing off. He thought about what he was going to say for a moment before finally speaking up again. "Nah. Screw it." Jesse said and pulled me into another kiss.

Everyone around us either whistled or clapped or simply just cheered. Even the supporters and the security guards. I heard Rash mumble the words 'finally' under his breath and that made me laugh into the kiss.

A few seconds later, Jesse and I pulled away and broke the kiss. We both smiled as we gazed into each other's eyes. His hands rested on my lower back and mine rested on the back of his neck. "Are you sure you wanna get back together?" I asked him.

Jesse nodded. "I've been sure for a while. I was just waiting for you to come." He smiled.

"Me too." I whispered.

"Okay since everything is back to normal..." Trent said, literally appearing out of nowhere. "Soph, there's something you should know. I've loved getting to know over the past few weeks. It's been so much fun but I haven't been completely honest with you." Said Trent.

His words was starting to get me worried. What was Trent on about? What was he going to tell me?

"Trent!" Jesse said with a straight face.

"What's going on?"

"Soph, the reason I was always checking up on you like every 3 hours of the day was because it wasn't actually me asking... it was Jess." Said Trent.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What? So all this time I've been talking to Jess?" I asked as I tried to figure out this whole situation.

"T! I'm gonna kill you!" Jess said as Rash started to laugh.

"Shh. Let him continue." Rash chuckled.

"Bean!" Jesse said with a straight face.

"No." Trent chuckled. "You was talking to me but Jess was the one asking how the questions. He was telling to check up on you every second of the day." Trent explained.

I turned to Jess and he looked a little embarrassed. "Is it true?" I asked him.

Jesse immediately put his head down. "Yes." He chuckled.

I burst out into laughter the moment Jesse admitted the truth. I knew he missed me but I didn't know he missed me so much.

"Aww, baby! I love you so much." I said.

"I love you too." Jesse said.

I placed my hand on his cheek and pecked his lips.

"Jess, we gotta go." Said Rash.

"I'm gonna go change and then I'll meet you outside, okay?"


Jesse kissed my cheek before walking over to Kirsty and his family. Just then my phone dinged. I pulled my phone out of the back pocket of my denim shorts and looked at the screen.

It was a direct message on Instagram from Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. I immediately sighed when I saw his name because this is the second message in the last two days that I've got from him.



Today 18:57 PM

Thanks for the support today 🙂
I know the whole
team appreciated it. X

Yeah I know my man
definitely did❤️
Wasn't Jesse amazing? You're his teammate. I'm sure even you can agree on that 💁🏻‍♀️😌


At first I wasn't sure as to whether I should reply to Alex but I knew that I had to make it clear that Jesse and I were back together. And I'm glad I did because Alex read my message and didn't reply which is a good thing.


Yayy! Jephia is back!!! 😌😌😌
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Thanks for reading ☺️
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