▹ [41] Talk Show Confessions.

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3 Weeks Later.

3 weeks. It's been exactly 3 weeks since Jesse and I decided to take a break from each other. It seems like it happened a few months ago but it's only been 21 days. For those 21 days, I never left the house. The media reported that I might have been under house arrest but in all honesty, I just didn't feel like leaving my home.

I've got to say though, that I am feeling much better now. After a few sessions with my guidance counselor, I feel alot like myself and I'm finally ready to go out in public again. I'm finally ready to face the media and to shut off all the negative press release. And I plan on doing it today.

"Miss Sophia, your car has arrived." Said Andre.

"Thanks, Andre." I said.

I grabbed my bag from the table, along with my phone and sunglasses before walking towards the front door. When I arrived at the car, Andre opened the door for me to go inside. I jumped inside the car and smiled at Andre. "Thank you, Andre." I said. Andre smiled before closing the door.

"Hello, Miss Ferguson. My name is George and I'm gonna be your driver from now on." Said the kind old man.

"Hi George. Thank you and please call me Sophia." I said and smiled at George.

"As you wish." George said and nodded.

Just then my phone made noise. It was a WhatsApp message from Trent.

Trent: Morning sunshine❤️, just checking in to see how you doing.

I smiled while reading his message. Trent has really been there for me in these recent weeks. He's been such a true friend. I'm so lucky I had the privilege of meeting him.

Me: Morning T❤️, I'm a little nervous 😪 First public appearance in 3 weeks. Hopefully it will go well 🙏🏼

I could feel my palms begin to get sweaty. This is my first appearance on TV in over 6 months and it's making me extremely nervous.

Trent: Nothing to be nervous about love. You'll do great. You always do😘 but if you don't know what to say, just picture everyone in the audience naked😅

I laughed so hard at Trent's message. My laugh was so loud that George actually turned around to look at me.

Me: Of course 🤣 that's the best thing to do. Gotta go now lovie. Enjoy training 😉 See ya soon x

Trent: All the best! Take care, Queenie❤️

I turned my mobile data off as the car came to a stop. I looked outside the window and saw the 'Early Morning Talk with Josh Burns' studio. George switched off the car and jumped out. He walked over to my door and opened it. I grabbed my sling bag and jumped out of the car. Staring at the show's logo, I let out a deep breath.

"It's just a talk show appearance. You can do this, Sophia." I said to myself.


Talk Show Appearance.
Early Morning Talk with Josh Burns.

"So Sophia, there's been alot of talk and speculation that you've been under house arrest these past few weeks. Tell us, is it true?" Josh Burns asked.

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