▹ [60] Secret Hideouts - The Whole Truth (2)

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After relaxing on the sand together for a few hours, Jesse and I decided to follow the trail of rocks that led to the cave that laid behind the waterfall. Hand in hand we hopped one rock by a time. The rocks were wet which made it was very slippery, which also resulted in me nearly falling off about 5 times but thankfully Jesse was there to catch me all 5 times.

After a few minutes, we had finally reached the cave. The feeling of just standing there, in the dark cave, witnessing the water fall in front of you, was an indescribable feeling.

"Uh, what a beautiful experience." Said Jess.

"I know right!"

"I'm glad I get to experience it with you." He said and smiled at me.

"Say Jess, how did you feel when you saw Colton yesterday?" I asked. I leaned against the cave wall as I studied his expression intently to see how would he react to Colton's name but he didn't.

Jesse turned around and stood right in front of me. "I was disappointed at first..." he said and trailed off.

"Disappointed?" I asked, as I looked up to him and continued to study his expression.

"Yeah. Disappointed to know that he's gonna start working with you." Jesse said and sighed. "But..." He said and smiled slightly, "but at the same time I wanted to thank him."

I furrowed my eyebrows when I heard the words 'thank him' come out from Jesse's mouth. "Why?" I blurted with widened eyes.

"Because if he didn't break up with you, I would have never got you back." Jesse said.

Jesse was acting very strange. It was almost like he was hiding something. He had a cocky smirk on his face and that made me curious. "What are you hiding?" I asked.

"Nothing." He said but for some reason I still wasn't convinced.

I immediately stood up straight. "Jess, I'm being serious. You're hiding something." I said.

Jesse noticed the change in my tone. He had finally realized that I was being serious and sat down on the cave bench. I took a seat next to him, at the same time that he took my hand in his and looked me in the eye. "Do you know why I broke up with you all those years ago?" Jesse asked.

I thought long and hard about the reason Jesse broke up with me, the first time we dated. Even though it was a while ago, I still remember him telling me that he just wasn't feeling our relationship anymore. I remember it so clearly because that was one of the hardest moments of my life. Soon after that, I left to Hollywood and never spoke to him again. That was until a few months ago.

"You said it was because you weren't feeling our relationship anymore and that it would be better if we just moved from each other." I said. Just thinking about that moment brought tears to my eyes.

"Yeah. That's exactly what I said...." Jesse said and trailed off, "but you know something? I lied." He said.

My eyes immediately widened at the shocking words that came out of his mouth. So many different questions filled my mind. What does he mean by 'he lied?' What did he lie about and why did he lie about it? Most importantly, why is he only talking about it now when he could have brought it up so many times before?

"What are you talking about?" I asked. My breathing hitched as I prepared myself for what was to come next.

"When I said that I wasn't feeling our relationship anymore, I lied. Soph, the real reason I broke up with you was because I felt like I was holding you back from..." He said and trailed off. Jesse tried to complete his sentence but couldn't find the words to say.

"Holding me back from what?"

"From... from chasing after your dream of becoming an actress in Hollywood. Soph, I knew how much you wanted to become an actress. I knew how much you wanted to make a name for yourself but most importantly, make the Ferguson name proud. I knew how much that all meant to you and.. and I couldn't stand in your way. I couldn't be the reason why you abandoned your dreams, so.." Jesse said and put his head down.

"So you let me go." I said as tears filled my eyes. "Jess, you weren't holding me back. You never did. You were one of the reasons why I wanted to be successful. I wanted to make you proud. You didn't have to let me go so that I could achieve my dream." I said and intertwined our fingers.

"You're telling me that if we had continued dating, you would have still left for Hollywood?" Asked Jesse. I refused to answer the question because in my heart I knew that there was only one right answer to that question and that answer was no.

"Exactly. You loved me more than anything in this world and I loved you more than anything. We were two crazy kids in love who would have done anything to make each other happy and that is why I did what I felt was right. Even though I regretted my decision for years, I knew I had done the right thing. It hurt to let you go but I did so, hoping that one day you'd come back to me..." He said and smiled at me, "and look, you have."

All I could think about at that moment was how much I freaking love this man for putting my dreams before everything. The fact that he sacrificed our relationship for my dream, just shows how much I actually mean to him. It also shows that he really is a one in a million kind of guy.

"All those years that you were away, I never stopped loving you, not even for a second. You were always on my mind. I've watched every single episode of Teenage Drama, every movie you've ever acted in, I watched them all. And I must say, they were all really good." He chuckled, causing me to laugh.

"I can't believe I was so blind that I didn't even realize what you did. Jess, I love you so freaking much!!
Baby, what did I ever do to deserve you?" I asked as a tear escaped my eye.

Jesse was quick to brush it off my face. "Hey, hey, hey! Don't cry! Babe, I only told you because that was a secret that I had being keeping for years and I don't want there to be any secrets between." Jesse explained.

"I know but still." I said.

Jesse smiled and gently brushed my cheeks with his thumb. He then leaned forward and placed his lips onto mine. I placed my hand on the back of his head as we kissed. A few seconds later, he pulled away with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"We can't go to the beach without having a swim, now can we?" Jesse smirked.


Aww, Jess is so cute 😍😍
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