▹ [35] The Perfect Boyfriend.

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Sophia's POV.

One Week Later.

Laying flat on my back, I stared at the ceiling. My mind completely blank. My body practically lifeless. My heart shattered into a million puzzle pieces. And tears flowing freely from my eyes. The earth around me was so still. It felt like time had stopped for a while. No sounds of birds chirping outside my window. No voices coming from all around the house. Just me, my thoughts and my broken soul.

Suddenly the door opened and everything went back to normal.

The bed dipped next to me and a arm was placed under my head. I turned my body towards the person and buried my face onto their chest. I wrapped my hand around them as tight as I possibly could as I inhaled their lovely scent.

"Don't go to training today." I said in a very low voice.

I hoped for a yes but I knew the answer would be no. Not because he didn't want too but because he couldn't. If he could take leave anytime he wanted, he would have taken an entire week just so that he could stay with me. But unfortunately his job doesn't quite offer that.

He immediately laughed and placed a kiss on my forehead. His laugh was so beautiful that it could bring a smile to anyone's face. "You know if I could I would." Said Jesse.

I looked up at Jesse and just admired him for a few seconds. My boyfriend is really handsome and the fact that I can say he's mine, makes me the luckiest girl in the world.

"What?" Asked Jess when he realized that I was staring at him for too long.

"I love you, Jessikins." I said.

"I love you too baby." Said Jess.

He leaned down towards my lips so I leaned towards his. I thought he was going in for a full kiss but instead he just pecked my lips, teasing me. I pulled away from him and he had a smug on his face.

Oh I wish I could smack that smug off his face.

"Jessssss. Stop teasing." I whined and pulled my face.

"Okay I'm sorry." He chuckled.

Jesse placed his finger under my chin and lifted it up. He leaned forward and started to kiss me. His hands travelled from my face, all the way down to my butt. His right hand gave my butt a little squeeze, forcing me to smile into the kiss.

I sat up and moved onto his lap, straddling him. I could feel his manhood getting harder by the moment and that made me so happy because I knew I was already wet for him. He wanted me and I wanted him and we knew it. Our bodies have longed for a full two weeks. And finally it was time.


45 minutes later.

"How do you feel?" Asked Jess as we laid in bed together. We had just finished putting our clothes back on.

"I'm great now." I said, causing Jess to laugh.

"You know what I mean." He chuckled. "Is it getting any better?"

"I felt like it was but every time you go....." I said and trailed off. I took a deep breath as a tear fell from my eyes. "Every time you go, I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of grief." I whispered.

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