▹ [46] The Ex Games.

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A/N: Hey Guys! So in the previous chapter (IG Posts), I'm sure you all noticed the one and only Jena Frumes! Unfortunately I have decided to take Jena out of this book because she is actually Jesse's ex and it just doesn't seem right to use his real life ex..... so I've decided to replace Jena's character with a new character, Juliana Evans. Juliana Evans will now play the role as Jesse's ex girlfriend and will be portrayed by American singer, Jessica Jarrell.

I've already made the changes to the IG post chapter so you can go check it out of you want.

Please understand that this change is purely because it just doesn't seem right to use Jesse's ex in this book.


Sophia's POV.


They did it. They actually did it. England are going to the finals. I am so happy for my boys. They played incredibly well and deserved to go to the finals. Now they are one step closer to winning the grandest trophy in International Football and I couldn't be more happier.

Standing inside the tunnel at the Luzhniki stadium, I anxiously waited for Jesse to come out of the locker room so that we could go back to our hotel suite and celebrate. Some of our friends are coming over to our suite to hang out and chill. We have declared tonight game night and we also plan on having a fifa tournament so it's gonna be a really long night.

I looked at the time on my watch and realized that only five minutes  had gone by since I walked into the tunnel. It seemed like a really long time but I guess it just seemed like that because I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't even realize how slow time was going.

I pulled out my phone from my sling bag and was about to go through it when I heard footsteps coming from the hallway that led to the locker room. I smiled hoping that it was Jesse but that smile quickly faded away when the person appeared in front of me.

"Hello Sophia." Their husky voice spoke out.

"Hello Chamberlain." I replied. I didn't want too but I figured that this was the perfect time to tell him that I was not interested in him.

"It's Alex." He chuckled. He seemed alot more friendlier than I expected him to be and that is why I decided to be polite to him, rather than being rude.

"I don't mean to be rude or anything but what exactly do you want?" I asked.

"To apologize. I am sorry for trying to get at you, even though I knew you were with Jesse. It was wrong of me to do that." Chamberlain said. His apology seemed genuinely sincere. I could see that he meant every word of it so that is why I decided to forgive him.

"It's alright, Alex. You didn't say anything wrong and I'm sorry for being so rude to you when I did actually reply to you. It was just that Jesse and I had just got back together and I didn't want anything or anyone getting in the way of that." I said.

Hearing Chamberlain's apology really made me feel bad for what I had said to him on Instagram the other day. I honestly didn't intend on being rude to him, I was just trying to protect my relationship. I almost lost Jesse twice before so I don't want there to be a third time.

The first time was when I left England to pursue my dream of being an actress in Hollywood. I was so sure that I had lost him forever at that point and the second time was when Alice tried to end my relationship with him and nearly succeeded in doing so.

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