▹ [63] ReUNITED!

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A Week Later.

"RASHYYY!!" I yelled at the sight of Marcus. I waited for him to jump out of his car before running towards him.

"Hey sis." Marcus said and caught me as I landed into his arms. "I've missed you." He said as we stood there hugging each other.

Jesse and I haven't seen Marcus since we left England. We've had a few video chats with him but come on, let's face it, video chat is nothing compared to actually being with the person. The team is now in America, ready to start their preseason tour. That is a good thing for us because even though Jesse has enjoyed his time here, I know that he's missing football alot. I know that he wants nothing more than to get back on that field.

"I've missed you too." I said as I squeezed Rashy.

"Alright, Alright! My turn now." Jesse said, causing both Marcus and I to start laughing.

I pulled away from Marcus and Jesse immediately pulled him into a bro hug. "Yo beans, yuright man?" Asked Jesse.

"Yeah bro. What about you?" Asked Marcus.

"All good man. Ready to come back yunno." Jesse said, all hyped up.

"You sure?" Asked a concerned Marcus Rashford.

"Nah bro. I'm just messing with you. Not yet bro but soon." Said Jesse.

I felt a little bad for Jesse after hearing him say that. Even though he meant it as a joke, I know deep down inside, he really wished that he was cleared and could join the lads on their preseason tour. But unfortunately, injuries are apart of sport. The only thing we can do to accept it and move on.

Our day with Marcus was fun. We spent most of the day chilling at the beach, eating and catching up on each other's lives. It was pretty interesting hearing about what Maddison and Marcus have been getting up to in their lives. Their relationship is going so well that I think Marcus might end up proposing in the near future.

We arrived home and Jesse immediately dived onto the couch. He buried his head into one of the pillows. "Uh-Uh. Nope. Get up!" I commanded as I slapped Jesse's bum.

"No. I'm tired." He whined liked a little girl.

"Yes! You have to go clean yourself up. We're having guests over." I said to him.

Jesse immediately turned to face me. "What guests?" He asked as he furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"You'll see." I smirked.

2 Hours Later.

Marcus and I were now in the kitchen getting everything ready for the Barbecue we were about to have. We knew that Jesse was feeling a bit down because of the fact that he has to miss the preseason tour with the lads so since the boys are all here, we decided we'd throw a little barbecue with the team. Being surrounded with all the lads would make Jesse feel alot more better.

Just then the door bell rang. "Jess, can you get that?" I asked Jesse who was sitting and watching television in the living room.

I heard Jesse sigh and immediately rolled my eyes at his laziness. A few seconds later, I heard the front door opening. "SCOTTYYYY!!" I heard Jesse yell. He was referring to Scott McTominay who was at the door. "What you're doing here bro?" Jesse asked Scott. And that was our queue. Marcus and I immediately left the kitchen and walked towards the front door.

"I'll let Soph explain." Scott said when he saw Marcus and I.

Jess then turned around and looked at me. "What's going on?" Asked Jess.

"I know how much you were missing the boys so I invited everyone over for a little barbecue."

2 Hours Later.

The barbecue was going great. All the lads showed up and so did Maddison and Danny. "So Colton actually joined the cast of TD huh?" Maddison said, sounding surprised.

"Yup! And I'm pretty sure he only joined to spite me." I said and then took a sip of my drink.

"Oh of course! There is no other reason." Maddison said. "And how did queen bitch react?" Asked Maddison.

"Exactly how a bitch would react. She jumped and ran straight into his arms." Danny said and rolled his eyes.

Just at that moment, DJ (Daniel James) walked up to us. "I don't mean to be rude but can I steal her a few minutes?" He asked, politely.

"Of course. She's all yours." Said Danny.


This chapter isn't much but there is plenty of drama to come in the next 2 chapters 👀🤦🏽‍♀️ Stay tuned 😉

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