▹ [23] The Ultimate Showdown.

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He looked deeply into my eyes and leaned closer to me. His lips were mere inches away from mine, clearly indicating that he wanted to kiss me. I knew how wrong it was but I wanted to kiss him so badly. My breath hitched causing me to grab onto my dress tightly.

He moved a little closer, making my heart nearly skip a beat. I swallowed as I prepared myself for the kiss. His lips were about to touch mine when I decided to pull away. I moved back and started to breathe heavy. I looked at the disappointment on his face and couldn't help but feel sorry for him after what I had just done.

"Rash...." was all I could say at that moment.


7 Hours Earlier.

I stepped into Wembley in my Manchester United, Rashford 19, shirt. The intensity in Wembley was was extremely high. Today's match was so important for both the teams. It was their last chance to salvage their rollercoaster seasons. Everyone knows a season that ends with the team winning silverware is better than not winning anything at all.

Today my team takes on my boyfriend's team. It is literally Jesse vs Dele. I have mixed emotions going into the match but I know where my loyalty lies. I want United to win but at the same time I don't want to see Dele hurt. But unfortunately with the circumstances, someone will have to leave Wembley crying.

Suddenly my phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that it was a text from Dele.

Dele: I don't think it will be a good idea if you came to see me before the match.

I sighed and rolled my eyes after reading that ridiculous text. The fact that Dele is still mad at me after the fight we had, made me so angry! Today is such a big day for everyone associated with United and Spurs' and here he is behaving like a child.

Yeah we're on a break but he is still my boyfriend. If I had to go into the match without even wishing him luck, I would be so disappointed and heartbroken. I am his girlfriend. My job is to be there for him when he needs me.

"Princess." My Dad called out to me. I directed my head to where my dad's voice came from and saw him approaching me with my mother.

"Hi Dad, hi Mom!" I said before hugging my lovely parents.

"Are you ready for the match?" Asked my dad.

"Not really. I am really nervous." I said. Even though I am not playing in the match, I am a die heart fan so I am extremely nervous. My palms were sweating and my heart was beating faster than usual.

"Don't worry. The boys will be great!" My Dad reassured me.

Just then a bus pulled up, outside. It was the Spurs' bus. It seems the players arrived a little earlier than they expected too.

"You should go wish Dele good luck." Said dad. Even though Dele plays for the opposition, my dad has been so supportive of our relationship. I honestly cannot have asked for a better father.

"Yeah. I need too." I said before walking towards the bus.

I stood at the door as I watched the Spurs' team, staff and of course the boss, Mauricio Pochettino, all come out of the bus. Pochettino gave me a warm smile as he walked passed me so I decided to return the smile.

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