▹ [31] Kiss & Make Up.

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I was laying on my bed, scrolling through my Twitter feed, when there was a knock on my room door. "It's open." I yelled and the door opened, revealing my guest.


The moment I laid eyes on him, my body immediately shot up. A part of me was a little happy to see him while the other hoped that we could have an actual conversation that doesn't end with us yelling at each other.

"Can I come in?" He asked and I nodded. He walked inside and closed the door behind him.

"Hi." I said softly when he turned around.

"Hey." He smiled and walked towards me. I moved to the middle of my bed, so that he could sit on the edge. "May I?" He asked and I approved by nodding. "You sure Jesse won't mind?" Dele asked and I rolled my eyes.

"He knows that you're here." I said and Dele immediately put his head down and laughed. "I'm trying something new. I don't want to make the same mistakes with him, that I made with you."

Dele's expression changed within seconds, his sarcastic smile turned into a frown. "Is that why you called me here?" He asked. His face was starting to turn red, indicating that he was starting to get angry.

How could he even think I would do that? He dated me for 2 weeks, he's known me for a month now and he still doesn't know the person that I am. All I ever did was love him and this is how he thinks of me.

"Do you think that I would do that to you? Do you really think that low of me?" I asked and his face dropped.

Dele took a deep breath. "No! Of course not, Sophia. You're the most beautiful, amazing, alive person I've ever known." Dele said and my heart dropped. I felt so bad for him. There was two people in the relationship but he probably feels like he was the only one in it.

"I need you to promise me that no matter what I ask you next, you will answer me truthfully." I said to him.

Dele looked at me, confused. "I promise." He said.

"During our short 2 week relationship.. did you know? Did you know that I was in love with Jesse?" I asked and swallowed.

Dele looked into my watery eyes as the room became silent. He gave it some thought before answering. "I'd be a fool if I didn't." He said and my heart nearly stopped for a moment. I feared that would be the answer. "I knew it from the moment I met you. I saw you and Jesse in the tunnel at Old Trafford. The two of together is like watching Romeo and Juliet. You were meant to be together." Said Dele.

Dele stunned me with his words. I didn't expect him to say that. I thought he'd be angry at me but it turns out that he knows that Jesse and I are forever. And that makes me feel even worst.

"I'm really sorry, Dele! I never meant to hurt you." Was all I could say. I couldn't seem to find the right words to use at the moment. All I knew was how terrible I felt. I felt a sudden burning sensation in my heart.

Heartbrokenness. Guilt. Betrayal.

Those were just a few things I was feeling.

"Don't apologize!" Dele said and placed a hand on mine. "You can't control how you feel. Feelings are the most important thing in this world. You shouldn't ignore them, nor should you deny yourself of the happiness that they bring to you." Dele said.

Such wise and touching words from him.

"Why did you ask me out if you knew how much I loved Jesse?" I asked. That question was constantly on my mind ever since Dele said he knew. I was eager to know what the answer was.

"Because all it took was just one conversation with you to make me like you. I knew that you would never love me the way you love him but that didn't phase me. I wanted to give us a chance. I didn't care if I got my heart broken, just as long as I knew I tried. I wanted our relationship to work out but unfortunately it didn't. And it's fine because I don't regret spending all those days with you." Dele said.

His words wounded me in the process. The amount of regret and guilt I feel is unexplainable. Dele is such a down to earth guy. I don't know what it is but something's changed about him recently. I can't seem to figure out what it is but I like this side of him.

"Something's changed about you. I can't figure out what it is but I like it." I admitted shyly, causing Dele to blush.

"Nothing major changed. I just see things differently now." Dele said. "Sophia?"


"I just want you to know that I fully support your relationship with Jesse. Even though I still love you, I will never do anything to break your relationship. I promise I won't." Dele said. He looked so deeply into my eyes, which showed how serious he was.

"Thank you, Del." I said and smiled. "I don't want you and Jesse to hate each other because of me. I want you two to be friends again."

"I want the same." Said Dele.

I smiled before picking up my phone. Dele looked at me strangely but I just ignored him. After a few rings, he finally answered. I asked him what he was doing and thankfully he was doing nothing. He had just finished packing and was now sitting with Marcus.

I asked him if he could come over and he said he could. I hung up the phone and immediately called for Emma to tell her that Jesse and Marcus would be arriving shortly and that she must send them up when they arrived.

I then turned my attention back to Dele who started talking about how excited he was about the World Cup. He highlighted the fact that he was anxious to go to Russia because he has never been there before. He also mentioned that he had a terrible season with Tottenham so he hopes that everything will change in the World Cup and that he will have an impact on England.

Dele and I talked for a bit and before we knew it, Jesse was knocking on my room door. I asked him to come in and he immediately sighed at the site of Dele. "What are you still doing here?" He asked.

"I asked him to stay." I said. Both Jesse and Marcus looked at me like I was crazy or something.

"Why would you do that?" Rashy asked.

I explained to them that the World Cup was fast approaching and that if they want to win, there gonna have to be on the same page. I also told them that there is no use of them fighting over a girl when their friendship is much stronger than that.

The boys all agreed with what I had to say. Dele told Jess everything that he told me. He told him that he is willing to put the past behind him, if Jesse is willing to do the same. Luckily, my handsome boyfriend is not a fighter and decided to forgive him. In the end the two of them settled their differences with a handshake which I didn't feel was good enough.

"What? What is that? That is just wrong!" I said and looked at both of them disgustedly.

"What?" Jesse shrugged.

"That is not how you settle things." I furrowed my eyebrows at them.

"Then how? What must we do?" Jesse asked.

"Spongebob," I said and looked at Jess, "Patrick," I said and looked at Dele, "hug each other." I said.

Both guys looked at me with a straight face before getting off the bed and bro hugging each other. I couldn't help but smile at the moment.

I always get what I want.


Aww, such a cute moment between the guys 😍 don't you just love them? 🤔 but what are your thoughts on this chapter? 🤔

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