▹ [24] Alice In Wonderland.

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"EMMA!" I yelled from my room as I zipped up the last of my suitcases.

A few seconds later, Emma arrived. "Yes, miss Sophia?" Asked Emma, waiting for my instruction.

"Get Andre to take my bags downstairs and tell Earl that Jesse will be arriving soon so he must get rid of whatever press that's outside of the gate. And when he comes, send him up." I instructed Emma.

Earlier today, Dele called and for the first time in 5 days, he actually had something good to say. We both agreed that we moved too fast in relationship and that the right thing to do was to stay away from each other for one entire week. The reason for this is so that we can both have some time to think about our relationship and figure out our feelings towards one another.

Prior to this, Jesse and Rash are going on a trip to the Hamptons. A trip which they invited me on. Since Dele and I are on break, I decided to go with them. A summer in the Hamptons is the perfect distraction from Bamidele.

"Yes, Miss Sophia!" Said Emma before getting back to work.

As I was about to go into the closet to check if I had forgotten anything, my phone dinged. It was a text from Rash.

Marcus: Any idea if Alice is coming?

Good question. I haven't seen Alice since after the match yesterday. I know the reason why she didn't come with us last night was because she had a meeting with her agent but I haven't heard from her since.

Just then, Alice walked into my room.

Speak of the devil.

"What is going on? Are you going on holiday or something?" Asked Alice when she saw Andre take my bags.

I quickly replied to Rash before responding to Alice.

Me: I'm not sure but I will find out. She just walked in.

"I actually am." I said, referring to Alice's question from earlier.

"With Dele?" She asked, curiously.

"Nope with Jesse and Marcus. Marcus just texted, he wants to know if you wanna come." I said as I put on a pair of my short black boots.

Alice immediately took out her phone and started typing. I wonder who she was sending a message too. Hopefully it was Marcus.

"Wait, what? Why are you going on holiday with them and not Dele?" She asked. Her phone made a noise, clearly indicating that she got a message. "And where exactly are y'all going?" Asked Alice.

"Because I don't know if I want to be in a relationship with Dele anymore and we're going to the Hamptons." I said as I put on the other boot.

Alice looked at me surprised. I hadn't told anyone but Jesse and Danny about what was happening with Dele but since Alice is my best girl friend, it's only right that I do.

I quickly informed Alice about what had been going on between me and Dele and she got the shock of her life. She couldn't believe what I was telling her. Just like me, she never thought he would ever act the way he has been.

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