▹ [10] Aftermath.

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The next morning I woke up to find an empty bed and for a moment my heart sunk cos I thought he had gone away. I got out of bed and saw his shirt lying on the floor so I decided to it on. I left the room and went downstairs, only to see that the place was in a mess.

I walked into the kitchen to get some orange juice and got a shock at what I saw. There he was in the kitchen making breakfast. All I could do was blush and wipe away the one tear that fell down my face for thinking that he was just a fuck boy looking for a one night stand.

"Morning beautiful." Dele said and gave me the warmest smile ever.

"Morning!" I said, softly.

"I hope you're hungry because I made breakfast." Dele winked.

"I'm starving." I said and took a seat at the kitchen island. Thank gosh Dele made breakfast because from the moment I woke up, my stomach had been growling.

"Well I'm not." Erik said as he walked into the kitchen. He didn't look too good. You could definitely tell that the amount of alcohol he consumed last night was taking an effort on him.

"Aw, did the birthday boy party too hard last night?" I pouted and squeezed Erik's cheeks.

"Don't talk about me! Talk about you and Mr Alli over here." Erik smirked and raised his eyebrows at me.

Dele literally dropped the fork from his hand while I sat there speechless. Dele and I had just met. How on earth were we supposed to defend our actions? Is there anyway that we can?

All hell would break loose if the media found out about this. Sir Alex Ferguson's daughter sleeping with a Spurs player. Not really making my father proud, am I? I can actually picture his face when he reads the headlines in the paper 'Little Ferguson caught in the Spurs of a moment.' Oh how disappointed he would be.

"You know I should really call Alice. She's probably wondering what happened to me." I said and with that I ran out of the kitchen. Well, not really ran, just walked extremely fast.


2 Hours Later.

"Thanks for inviting me to your party. I had a really good time." I said to Erik as he pulled up at Alice's and my hotel.

"No problem and I'm sure you did." Erik said and raised his eyebrows at me. I simply just rolled my eyes at him.

"Goodbye Erik."

"Goodbye Sophia." Said Erik. I shut the door and Erik immediately drove off.

Erik had to drop me off at the hotel because Dele and I didn't want to risk being seen together in public. We're not dating or anything so if the media saw us together in public then they would have a field on that story.

I walked into the hotel and went straight to the elevator. I had to wait a few seconds before the elevator reached the ground floor. The doors opened and I immediately walked inside and pressed the button for the fourth floor.

Moments later, the elevator stopped at the fourth floor. I waited for the doors to open before walking out to the lobby. I opened my purse and retrieved my keycard while waking towards my room. I finally reached my room and opened it with the keycard.

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