▹ [49] Psychopaths + Future Talks.

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The driver pulled up right in front of my house. He switched off the car and jumped out. I placed my phone into my clutch bag at the same that the driver opened the door for me. I jumped out of the car with my clutch bag and thanked George for opening the car door for me.

I walked towards the front door and was immediately greeted by Andre. "Good Afternoon, Miss Sophia. Welcome Back." Andre greeted me with a warm smile on his face as he stood at the doorway.

"Good Afternoon, Andre. Thank you. It feels good to be home." I said and smiled at my butler.

"It's good to have you back." Said Andre. As I was walking through the door, Andre stopped me. "Oh, Miss Sophia! You have a guest waiting in the living room." Andre said.

A guest? I don't remember inviting anyone over so who could this be?

I walked towards the living room of my house. Thankfully the living room wasn't too far from the front door and staircase so I was able to get there within a few seconds. I walked into the living room and immediately took a step back when I saw who was the guest.

"What are you doing here?" I blurted out.

"I came to claim what's rightfully mine." She said as she sat on the couch, smiling at me.

"And I'm assuming that's Jesse." I said and raised my eyebrows at her.

"Yes! Jesse and I were meant to be together." Said Julianna with a smirk on her face.

"Really? Then why did he ask me to move in with him?" I chuckled.

My words seemed to have sparked something inside of Julianna because she immediately bolted out of her seat. Standing face to face with Julianna made me realize how crazy she was and how obsessed she was with Jesse.

"I don't care. At one point, I was living with him too. You're my rebound and this is just a silly phase Jesse's going through. Soon he will realize that he loves me and not you. And I love him too. I never stopped loving him and I never will." Julianna said. She had this evil smirk on her face that revealed the dark side within her.

There are some people in this world who are pure and innocent. Then there are people like me who have fire within them. And then are those people like Alice and Julianna who have a dark side within them. Those people are the worst. They are a force to be reckoned with.

They are the type of people who would do anything to get what they want, even if it means that they have to hurt the people closest to them. They are pretty much like mean girls in high school but the more experienced version.

"Actually Jesse's rebound from you was a girl named Lauren. And if you were really didn't stop loving him, you would already known that..." I said and raised an eyebrow at her, "but you didn't, which means that you only came back because you want something." I said and smirked.

I had Julianna cornered and she knew that. Her palms started to get sweaty and her hands started to shake as she tried to come up with a comeback. She couldn't find one that was suitable to beat mine so instead of giving up and admitting that I said was true, she rallied.

"I want Jesse. You can have your fun but I will get Jesse back and there's nothing you can do that will stop me." Julianna said and walked past me.

I followed her to the front door and watched her leave. I then smiled at Andre when he had closed the door. "If she ever comes again, call the police." I instructed him.

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