▹ [68] Recollection.

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"Do you remember the first time we danced together?" Asked Jesse as we slow danced on the dance floor. Alongside us was Marcus and Maddison.

"Of course I remember. I stepped on your toes 4 times." I chuckled.

Jesse immediately bust out into laughter. "You were bad." He mocked me.

"The worst." I smiled. "But hey, if it wasn't for that horrific moment, you would have never taught me how to dance and if that didn't happen well then there would have been much more disastrous moments." I chuckled.

"And that would've been just hilarious." Jesse mocked.

"Hey, stop enjoying this so much." I said and playfully hit Jesse's shoulder.

"Okay, okay! Sorry!" Said Jess.

We both stopped laughing and everything went quiet for a bit. Staring into each other's eyes, we moved side to side. My lips parted and suddenly I found myself thinking about the other night when I kissed Jesse. It felt so good, so right at that moment.

The strange thing was that even though it was so wrong, all I could think about was doing it again. I knew Jesse was feeling the urge to kiss me as well because his lips also parted and his breathing hitched a little.

Even though I really wanted too, I decided to be brave and fight against it. "Jess, we can't." I said, finally able to find the courage to speak.

"I know." He said. He looked a little disappointed but he knew how I felt about Dele. "Do you want to stop?" He asked.

"No." I whispered. "Let's just enjoy these last few moments." I said and held on tight. I rest my head on his shoulder as we continued dancing during the last few seconds of the song.

My body immediately shot up. I sat on my bed as my heart was beating extremely fast. I wasn't sure if that was a memory or if it was just a dream. I looked at the time on my phone and it was 3am. It was a little too early in the morning to disturb Jesse so I decided not too.

Today I am going to Carrington with my father. He says that being at a place that I hold so dear in my heart, would be good for me. Most of my childhood, I spent at Carrington. I used to go there everyday after school. I practically grew up there with all of my fathers players. They took really good care of me.

I looked over at the wall of pictures that Jesse and Marcus had done up. They put it up hoping that some of those pictures would trigger my memories because apparently I have a wall in my LA house that's exactly the same, one of which I don't remember.

I smiled at the pictures. I looked so happy in every single one of them. It was almost as if I had a good life. I gently rubbed my fingers over my brothers face. He was so handsome. His perfect hair complimented his jawline and his smile was definitely the reason why he was a chic magnet.

I then looked over to the picture next to the one of my brother. It was a picture of me and a friend of mine from LA. Danny said her name was Taya, short for Tayren. She has long black hair and light brown skin. Judging by the picture, I could tell that she has a unique style of dressing. She was a little fashionista. She loved to accessorize and she was a make up goddess. But the thing that stood out the most was her radiant smile, it was so powerful that by just looking at it, it would light up your world.

According to Danny, Taya and I were close. He said that I used to feel comfortable talking to her about personal stuff. He also said that I used to go to her for advice because she had a way with words. She always knew the right things to say. He also said that she was there for me when I was at my worst. She was one of the people who tried to lift me up again.

I talk about her in the past because according to Danny, she passed away over a year ago from a disease called Viral Meningitis. Even though I don't really remember her at the moment, I really wish that she was here so that she could tell me exactly what to do.

I looked at the time and saw that there was still a few more hours before my alarm would go off so I decided to get back into bed and sleep the rest of the morning.

My father put his thumb into the fingerprint scanner and the door to Carrington immediately buzzed open. He pulled the door and waited for me to walk inside. As soon as I stepped inside, I was greeted by an elderly woman. I cringed as she grappled me into a hug. I looked at my dad and he simply just laughed. "That's Maggie. You've known her all your life." He said and the grown women pulled away from me.

"Oh my precious babygirl, I know that you don't remember me but I love you so much." Said Maggie has she placed her hands on either side of my face.

"Thanks. I.. love you too." I said, unsure of what to actually say. She was an elderly women, I didn't want to be rude.

My father then unlocked yet another door and held it open for me. "Come, Sophia." Said my dad.

I nodded and followed my dad. After a few minutes, we had finally reached the training field. You'd be quite surprised at the amount of security grids and password we had to enter, just to get to the field. The field looked amazing.

I was then snapped out of my thoughts when I was greeted by a person that I noticed to be Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, the manager of Manchester United. "Hey, Soph!" Said Ole as he pulled me into a hug.

"Hi." I said, awkwardly.

"Good to see you." He said.

"You too."

Ole nodded before turning his attention back to the boys. Jesse then spotted me and ran towards me. He gave me a smile before bending down and retrieving a water bottle from the ground. "Hey." He smiled. Jesse then threw an arm around me.

"Hey." I smiled back. "Jess, I wanna ask you something." I said.

Jesse swallowed the water that he had in his mouth and then looked at me. "What's up?" He asked.

I informed Jesse about the dream that I had of the two of us, earlier this morning. His reaction surprised me because he immediately started laughing.

"The Rock's birthday party. Taglyan Complex. A hell of a night." He smiled at the thought of the memory.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"It wasn't a dream, Soph. It really happened." He said. He then started to smile. "You're starting to remember." He added. Jesse gave me a pat on the shoulder and then walked away.

Is this really happening? Am I really starting to get my memories back?


Yayyy!! Sophia is getting her memories back😁😌 Also, do you remember that scene from the chapter titled "One Dance" from earlier in the story? 🤔

Side Note:: This chapter is very special to me because of the guest character, Tayren. She was introduced as a tribute to my late friend/sister Taryn who was everything that I described.
Rest In Peace, Little Sister🌹♥️

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