▹ [86] Game Changer.

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3 Weeks Later.

"I miss you so much baby." Dele said over FaceTime.

As the football season draws closer and closer to the end, the pressure is at it's maximum for all football clubs. Finals are being played and champions are being crowned so the intensity is high. Extra long training sessions are in place so the players hardly have any free time.

It's been 4 days since I've last seen Dele and my heart breaks just thinking about it. "I miss you too baby. I'm hoping that I feel better before Saturday. I would hate to miss another game." I said and pouted.

Dele has played a total of 7 matches since I've been back and out of those 7, I've only been to 2 of them. And that is very bad considering the fact that I don't really have anything on my schedule as of late. Over the last few days, I haven't been feeling well. I've been feeling nauseous, I've been getting really bad headaches, my nose has been troubling me and food makes me want to vomit. I've been staying at home and self medicating just because I don't really like going to the doctor and because I'm pretty sure that I'm coming down with a cold. A cold that can be easier treated at home.

"I have to go now babe. Training is going to start in a few minutes. I'll talk to you later. Feel better babe and make sure you get some rest." Dele commanded.

"I will baby. Have fun." I said and smiled.

"I love you." He said.

"Love you too." I said and hung up the call on Dele.

I placed my phone on my nightstand and sighed in frustration. I grabbed the pillow that was on the side of me and smashed my head into it and screamed. Ever since my little slip up with Jesse, I haven't been able to talk to Dele properly. I simply hate keeping secrets from him and it annoys me so much that I have too. I want to tell him but at the same time I don't want to lose the best thing that has happened to me since my accident.

"OH MY GOD!!! Did you check social media?" Asked Madison as she walked into my room.

I asked Madison and Danny to come over and spend the day with me since I don't feel like leaving the house and because I practically can't. I know the risk of inviting them over but the heck, the worst that can happen is that they'll get the flu. Nothing drastic and besides if they were scared, they wouldn't have came over.

"No. Why? What's going on?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Jesse was going an Instagram live earlier today and someone asked him what he thinks about you." Danny said. He then handed me his phone to a footage of Jesse's Instagram live. "And this was his response." He added.

I pressed play on the video that was on Twitter sand Jesse started to read out the question, right before answering it. "Oh that girl. She's just amazing. There are not enough words in the world to describe how wonderful she is and how much she means to me. There is no bad blood between us, no animosity. She's with one of my closest friends now and I couldn't be happier for them." Said Jesse.

Hearing him say those stuff, gave me mixed emotions. I was happy that he felt that way but I was also sad because it made me think about the time that we were together. Jesse is always going to be that guy where as much as we can be good friends with each other, there's always going to be this constant remember of the long history that we have together. It is something that we simply just cannot forget, whether we want to not.

"Wow." I said as I thought about him. Madison was now sitting next to me while Danny sat opposite on the my bed. "It's amazing how the simplest of things can so easily take me down memory lane." I said.

Madison then put a arm around me and started to gently rub my shoulders. "It's the history that you two share together. That kind of love cannot be forgotten within a blink of an eye." Madison said.

I took the time to admire the rock on her finger. While I was away in LA, Marcus proposed. I am a little bummed that I had to miss the engagement party but I am very happy to just be in lives. I've had the privilege to watch them grow as a couple and experience their entire love story. "Honestly right now, I can't think straight, I'm blinded by that huge rock on your finger." I chuckled.

"Tell me about it. If only we could have been there for your engagement party." Danny said. Danny also had to miss the engagement party due to the fact that he was with me, filming Teenage Drama.

"I know. Y'all get a pass this time because y'all had work but just so y'all know, there is no more passes. You two cannot miss anymore events. Not any of my birthdays, not Marcus' birthdays since he is going to be my husband, not my bridal shower, not my wedding, not gender reveal party when I'm pregnant, not my baby shower-" Madison said before I interrupted her.

"Okay, okay we get it." I laughed.

"Speaking about babies." Danny said and got up from the bed. "I got you something on the way here." Danny said as he walked out of my room. I turned to looked at Madison and she shrugged, indicating that she didn't know what he was up too. A few seconds later, Danny walked in with a packet in his hand. He threw the packet towards me and it landed by my crossed legs.

I opened the packet and sighed at the sight of what was in it. I took the box out of the packet and Madison immediately started laughing. "Are you serious right now?" I asked Danny with a straight face.

"Yes. I think the test." Danny said, referring to the box of pregnancy tests that he got me.

"I am not taking the test. I am not pregnant." I argued.

"Did you have sex in the last month? Are you late?" Danny said. Madison and I both looked at Danny with a straight face. The fact that Danny is even talking about this, made us feel awkward. "I spoke to my sister. When I told her you were, she was concerned and asked about it, When I told the symptoms, she suggested a pregnancy test." Danny explained and then it all made sense. I was trying to figure out how Danny could have put all of this together and come up with pregnancy as the solution.

"Well to answer your question, yes and I might be late but I've been late before." I justified myself.

"Take the test Sophia, take a few of them just to be sure." Danny said and handed me the box of pregnancy tests.

I turned to look at Madison to see what she had to say. "I agree with him. Take a few of them, there's no harm in doing it." Madison said.

"Fine." I said and rolled my eyes.

15 Minutes Later.

I looked down at the pregnancy test in my hand and I was in shock. So many thoughts and questions filled my mind as tears rolled down my cheeks. I took 3 tests and they all said the exact same thing.

"Soph!" Madison called and knocked on my bathroom door.

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and flushed the toilet pan. I then placed the test down on the counter before washing my hands. I wiped my hands and then picked up the same test again. I opened the door to my bathroom and walked out, into my room as Madison and Danny stared at me.

I held up the test toward them with tears in my eyes. "I'm pregnant." I said and the moment I said that the two of them rushed towards me and hugged me.

Could this be the end of Jephia? 😭 And a new start for Delphia? What are your thoughts? 🤔

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