▹ [21] Oh Dear Brother!

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Sophia's POV.


2 days.

Just 2 days. There's only 2 more days until the FA Cup Final against Manchester United and Tottenham Hotspur at the very famous Wembley Stadium. And although Tottenham have the home advantage, I am confident that United will be crowned Champions.

The team we have now is good. Not only do they get along so well off the field but they also compliment each other on the field. They are the perfect combination with hopefully the perfect manager.

Yes, I'm not a very big fan of Jośe but I will applaud him for the season the boys have been having so far. Second to City on the log and finalists in the FA Cup, that is improvement from last years 4th place and Europa League victory.

"Miss Sophia, the Sir said to give you this." Said Andre as he placed a big rectangular box onto the dining table.

"Thank you, Andre." I said and smiled at the box.

Daddy bought me a gift. It's probably a dress and I bet it's beautiful. Daddy always knew what I liked. From the time I was small, he always gave me the best gifts.

"Aww, you're such a daddies girl." Alice mocked me.

I rolled my eyes at her and told her shut up. I then opened the box and the first thing I saw was a envelop. I opened the envelope and pulled out a note that read:

Princess, I'm sure you know that our family was invited to the CR7 launch party tonight, well your mother and I won't be able to make it so we were hoping that you and Alice would attend it on behave of the Ferguson name. It will be fun and I'm sure Cristiano will be delighted to see you.

I read the note out loud and Alice immediately screamed. She's has been a fan of Cristiano since forever. Of course, it's only because she thinks he's hot.

"WE HAVE TO GO! WE HAVE TO GO!!" Alice yelled out excitedly, she was literally on the edge of her seat.

"Okay! Okay! Calm down, we will go." I chuckled and she finally settled down. "Emma." I called out.

A few seconds later, Emma was standing in front of me. "Yes Miss Sophia?" Emma asked.

"Call my personal pilot and tell him to get the plane ready, we are going to Spain." I ordered her.

"Yes Miss Sophia." She said and walked away.

I turned my attention back to the gift box. I removed the creep paper to reveal a stunning shiny campaign coloured dress. I gasped at the site of it. The dress was gorgeous and exactly my taste. It had a deep, low cut V neck and a open back. It was then when I realized that it wasn't daddy who picked the dress, but mummy.

"It's beautiful." Said Alice as she smiled at me.

"I know right." I said and returned the smile.

Just then my brother walked into the dinning room with a plate of Waffles. He pulled a chair and sat down without even looking at me. He turned to Alice and smiled. "Morning Alice." Said Thomas.

"Morning Tommy." She replied.

There was a brief moment of silence until I finally decided to speak up. "I said I was sorry you know." I said and rolled my eyes.

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