▹ [59] Secret Hideouts - Trust (1)

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"Where are we going?" Asked Jess for the hundredth time since we left my house around 10 minutes ago.

"Babe! Do you trust me?" I asked as I tried my best to resist the urge of looking at him. The roads in LA, in the afternoon are always busy so I needed to stay completely focused on my driving but making a guy as attractive as Jesse, sit in the front seat wasn't the wisest decision to make.

"Whole heartedly." He replied.

"Then please just shut up and enjoy the rest of the ride." I said.

I heard Jesse mumble something beneath his breath and chose to completely ignore it. His eyes were fixed onto me as if they were glaring wholes into my body. He was annoyed and that made me smile a little. I always loved it when I annoyed him.

Today I decided to take Jess to my secret hideout in LA. When I lived in LA, there were often times when I used to get home sick but thankfully whenever I used to feel like that, there was always a place I could just go too to reflect and think without any interference from anyone or anything.

After a few more minutes of driving, we had finally reached our destination. I unbuckled my seatbelt and looked at Jess. "Let's go." I smiled at him. I opened the door and jumped out of the car. I closed the door and opened the trunk of the car. I pulled the blankets out of the trunk at the same time that Jesse grabbed the picnic basket.

"The beach? You brought me to the beach?" Jesse said and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah because the beach is fun."

"What's fun about sitting in sand, having it fly all over you. It literally gets everywhere." Jesse said and circularly motioned towards his man part. "The smell of the ocean, and the way it makes your hair feel when you leave?" Jesse asked with a straight face.

"The thrill of just being at the beach." I shrugged.

"You're not convincing at all."

"Relax." I said and walked towards him. "You'll be fine." I said and grabbed his hand. "And besides, it's not even windy today so the sand won't get.. yunno everywhere." I said and widened my eyes at the last part.

"Not now there isn't."

"Would you just chill?" I said and rolled my eyes at Jess. "Okay.. look.. if it starts to get windy, I promise we'll leave." I said and Jess immediately smiled.

"We don't have too." He said. "I'll go anywhere with you. I'll do anything with you, even get my hair messed up just to spend time with you." Jesse said and softly kissed my forehead. "I just wanted to see how well you can objection handle." He smirked.

"I love you."

"I know." Jesse said, forcing me to roll my eyes at him. "I love you more. Now let's go." Jesse said and walked towards the beach.

"Where you going?" I asked, making him stop and turn around to face me.

"To the beach." He said and pointed at the Beach.

"I said we were going to the beach but I didn't say we were going there." I chuckled.

"Then where are we going?" Asked a confused, Jess.

"To my secret hideout." I said and winked at him.

"Secret hideout? You have a secret hideout?" Jesse asked and raised his eyebrows.

I walked towards him and intertwined our fingers. I pulled his hand and led him all the way to the wilderness side of the beach. The place that people don't generally go too. As we made our way nearer and nearer towards the wilderness, Jesse stopped dead in his tracks, overpowering my strength and forcing me to stop walking.

"Soph, where are you going? Can't you see the shrubs right in front of us?" Asked Jess.

"Do you trust me?"

Jesse rolled his eyes. "We've been over this already."

"Yes so come on."

Jesse followed me as we walked through the dark wilderness. The wilderness was quiet, besides hearing the sound of the waves crashing and sticks breaking as soon as we stepped onto them.

"You're gonna get us killed." He said as we were almost halfway through the wilderness.

"Nope I won't because nobody would even dare to come this side." I chuckled.

"Exactly. Look at this place. Nobody in their right mind will think of walking through this place." He said.

"Well that's a shame because look at how beautiful it is." I said as the wilderness came to an end. Jesse and I stepped out of the wilderness, which revealed the most beautiful part of the beach, the waterfall, also known as my secret hideout.

Jesse was amazed at what was behind the wilderness. Who would have thought that behind all those trees and bushes was a beautiful waterfall that was connected to the sea? A portion of the waterfall place was covered with sand while the rest of it were covered with rocks. The sound of the water falling, the birds chirping went so well with the smell of the ocean. It was really nature at it's best.

"I now understand why you would come here. This place is really something magical." Jesse said, admiring the view.

"Yeah it is, and you're the first person I've ever brought here." I said and smiled at him.


Huge apologies for the uncalled for one month break that I took from Wattpad 🤦🏽‍♀️ but I'm back now and so is Jephia 😁

Also, I've decided to make this a 100 chapter book👀😅 I have alot planned for the remainder of the book😁 but before we get to that, I would just like a quick feedback of what you think of the book so far? Are you guys enjoying it? 🤔

Thanks for reading ☺️ Please vote and comment 🙏🏼💜 x

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