▹ [81] Growth.

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Later That Day.

Sitting in the car with Dele while he drove us back to his house was nerve-wrecking as I tried to come up with different scenarios in my head of what Dele's reaction would be like when I tell him that I need to be back at work by Wednesday.

"Okay I think that there has been enough awkward silence for today. So talk to me." He said and looked at me, even though his eyes were supposed to be focused on the road.

"About what?"  I asked.

"You can start by me telling exactly why you took a train to come and see me when you had plans to spend the day with Marcus and Jesse?" Dele asked.

There was a short moment of silence right until I noticed Dele looking at me again at the corner of my eye. "What did the doctors say about your leg?" I asked in an attempt to change the topic.

"Soph-" Dele said but before he could finish his sentence, I rudely interrupted him.

"We can talk about that when we get to your house but for now, can we please talk about your injury?" I asked.

Dele had been staying at the Manchester United hotel for the last few days so that we could spend some time together. That was until yesterday when he got a call from one of the Tottenham Hotspurs medical staff saying that he needed to come in today for a medical check up. While he was with me in Manchester, he was still going his required rehabilitation work outs and made sure that his leg was getting enough rest so that it could heal faster. But even though he did everything he supposed to do, Dele was still nervous to go for medical check up. He was scared that he might get a medical set back and that's the last thing he needs, considering the fact that the club football season is approaching the end.

"Everything looks fine for now. It's still a little too early to tell but they did say that I need to rest my leg more." Dele said.

The sadness in his voice made my heart cry. He was really missing football and even though I know that I might sound like an opportunist by saying this, I really hope that this void he's feeling cause of him not being able to play would make him understand and be more reasonable about me going back to my job, which I love. 

I placed my hand on his thigh and turned to face him. "Don't worry. Everything will turn out okay and you will be back on that field before you even know it." I said and smiled at him.

Dele smiled slightly and that made me very happy.

20 Minutes Later.

Dele and I were now sitting on the couch in his living room. Dele sat in an upright position while I relaxed on the couch but my legs over him. "So why did you leave Manchester and come here?" Dele asked the all important question.

I let out a deep breathe before finally speaking up. "I received a call from Mark Clifford earlier today." I said and paused for a bit. I sat up and turned to face him. "They need me to come back to work." I said.

Dele stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. He knew exactly what it meant. All the plans we made, ha to get canceled or put on hold for now. "When do they need you back?" Asked Dele.

I was surprise by how calm he was being. It almost felt like he was okay with the whole thing. I expected a completely different reaction, not because I think bad of my boyfriend but I am a little upset myself. We made all these really fun plans and we have literally been having the time of our lives over the last few days that it sucks to know that I have to leave.

"They are expecting me on Wednesday."

I studied Dele facial expressions carefully to see exactly how he was dealing with this situation and he seemed rather relaxed.

"When's your flight?"

"My dad is letting me use the jet. I plan on leaving tomorrow morning. Del, I'm really sorry that this had to happen but it's only going to be for 2 months so please try and understand." I said and placed a hand over his.

"I understand, Soph. Don't get me wrong, I am a little ticked off that we have to cancel our plans but I understand." Dele said. He grabbed both of my hands and held it in his. "This is your last season on the show so I know how important it is to you so I want you to go to Hollywood. I want you to enjoy yourself and make the most of every moment while filming, however long it takes. And just know that I'll be waiting here for you when you come back." Dele said and smiled.

Hearing those words come out of his mouth, really warmed my heart. I loved how supportive he was being about this whole situation. "Thank you." Was all I could say.

"Hey, I love you." Dele said as he looked deeply into my eyes.

"I love you too." I said and sealed my words with a kiss.


Hey guys! 😊
So we're heading into the last 19 chapters of the book and even though things look like their going well, I can guarantee you that things are about to change in the next few chapters so prepare yourself for alot of surprises☺️

Hope you liked this chapter x

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