▹ [80] Proposals & Careers.

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I woke up to the sound of my buzzing phone. Without opening my eyes, I placed my hand onto my nightstand and reached for my phone. My body was sore from all the workout session I had done with Dele the day before. I haven't worked in years so the impact that the session had on me was huge. I felt like a truck had driven our me. Finally finding my phone, I slid my finger across the screen and answered it without even looking at the caller ID.

"Hello!" I answered in my sleepy voice.

"Are you still asleep?" The voice from the other end of the line asked. His voice full of laughter.

"Yes now leave me alone. It's so early in the morning." I whined as I stuffed a pillow into my face.

"Early?" He chuckled. "Soph, it's nearly 11." Said Marcus. Even though I couldn't see him, judging by the tone of his voice, I could tell that he said that with a straight face.

My eyes immediately shot open when Marcus mentioned the time. "What?" I blurted out in shock.

"Exactly Soph! You need to get out of bed." Marcus said.

I thought about it for a second and realized that I really didn't have too. I had no plans for the day and technically I don't have a job so there was absolutely no reason for me to get out of bed.

"Actually no I don't. The only thing I have today is a date with my bed." I chuckled.

"I swear if you don't get out of that bed in 5 seconds, I'm going to throw ice cold water on you." Said Marcus.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to figure out what Marcus meant when he said that. It was 4 seconds later when I had realized that he wasn't joking and he actually was in my parents house. The thought of the ice cold water gave me shivers just thinking about it and knowing Marcus, he would probably do it.

"1!" Said Marcus before hung up and walked right into my room.

"Wait, wait, wait! I'm up." I said and as I removed the blanket from my body and jumping out of bed as fast as I could.

"Morning sunshine." Said Marcus with a smile on his face.

"Morning Rash." I said as I hugged Marcus. "So what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Get ready. We're going for lunch." Marcus said.

I love how he just walked in here and made plans for me without even giving me an option. Wow, the friends I have. Just wow.

"Lunch? Rashy, I haven't even had breakfast yet." I chuckled.

"And you can have anything you want." Marcus said as he grabbed my hand. "Now go get ready. You have 30 minutes." He ordered as he pulled me towards my bathroom.

Something was wrong with Marcus. He seemed a little shaky and off. It was like he was nervous about something and I couldn't quite figured out what it was. I studied his expression and managed to get nothing from it.

"Fine," I said with a straight face, "but you're paying for my breakfast." I smiled.

"No problem." Marcus chuckled.

An Hour Later.

"Reservation for Marcus Rashford." Marcus said to the waitress.

"Follow me." She said.

We followed the waitress all the way to the back of the restaurant. When we arrived to our table, I couldn't help but notice not two but three chairs and that made me wonder, was Marcus expecting someone else as well? I had two very good guesses in mind, it could either be Maddison or Jesse.

I took my seat and then picked up the menu. While I was trying to decide what I wanted to order, the other person who Marcus was expecting had arrived. And obviously, it was none other than his best friend, Jesse. Jesse greeted me with a hug before taking a seat opposite me. The waitress then came back and took our meal orders.

"Alright Rashy, you got us here, now what's going on?" I said Marcus as I raised an eyebrow at him. Marcus was never the type of person to scheme. He was always the sweet and innocent one.

"Yeah. What's up bro?" Asked Jesse, who sounded a little concerned.

Marcus then put his hand inside his pocket and pulled out a small box that was the perfect size for an engagement ring. "I picked this up earlier this morning." He said and opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

I immediately covered my month at the sight of the ring. It was absolutely stunning and it looked like it was worth a fortune. I removed my hand from my month and smiled at Marcus in awe. "It's beautiful, Rash. She's going to love it" I said.

My words put a big smile on Marcus' face and that made me very happy. "I hope so." Marcus said sounding relived. "I'm freaking out. I'm so nervous." Marcus admitted.

I knew something was wrong from the moment I saw him this morning. He seemed on the edge and even looked like a train wreck.

"Relax bro. You got this." Jesse said, trying to motivate his best friend. "And I'm proud of you broski and very very happy for you." Jesse added.

"Me too, Rash. I am literally over the moon." I couldn't smiling. There is literally no better couple than Marcus and Maddison. Their relationship is so innocent beautiful.

"Thank you, both of us." Marcus said and smiled at both Jesse and I.

"Well bro, The Rock's gonna be your father-in-law." Jesse said, making us all laugh.

Just as we were all enjoying ourselves, my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller ID and sighed in frustration.

"What happened?" Asked Jesse.

"It's Mark, probably calling to tell me that we need to finish the season." I said. "I've got to take this." I said and walked outside of the restaurant.

"Hey Mark!" I answered as joyfully as I could.

"Sophia! Hearing the happiness in your voice really warms my heart." Said Mark, putting a smile on my face as usual.

"I am happy. Very happy."

"That is good to hear but you know we have a season to finish." Mark said.

When I had my accident a month ago, my character on Teenage Drama was put on hold. The cast continued filming the parts of the show that didn't involve me. Mark told me that I could how ever long I needed to get better but at some point, we would have to get back to the show especially because the fans are literally begging for the show to come back. I love Teenage Drama. That show has done so much for me but just thinking about the thought of working with Alice and Colton makes me sick to my stomach. Another reason why I'm regretting going back is because of the fact that it is going to be my last season on the show. I've been on this show for 4 season's, 4 years of my life so this show has a really special place in my heart.'

"I know Mark and I'm really to come back to work."

"I'm so glad to hear that. As you know, we continued to film the show. We are almost done with most of it. The most we'll need you here for is about two months." Said Mark.

"That's good to me."

"Great. Can you get here by Wednesday?" Asked Mark.


"See you then."

"See you then."


Aww, Rashy proposed🥺 that's so cute😍

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