▹ [15] From Lovers To Just Friends.

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Thursday Morning.

I stepped into Carrington clinging onto the arm of my father. Dad forced to come with him today. He thinks all is well between me and Jess and honestly I didn't have the heart to tell him about the conversation that took place last night. My dad has been going through so much lately with his health issues and the last thing I want is to burden him with my relationship problems with Jesse.

We stopped at the front desk where my dad greeted the receptionist. "Good morning, Mag." He said and smiled at the lovely lady.

Maggie has been the Carrington receptionist for the last 20 years. She is one of the most important people at Manchester United and a true gem. I remember the days when I used to be on holiday and spent the day with Maggie at the front desk. Oh what a delight it was to get to know her.

"Sophia." Maggie said and got up from her seat. "It's so nice to see you." She said as she walked around the desk to hug me.

"Aunt Mag, I missed you so much." I said as I hugged her. Her hugs were always very comforting and a little too tight for my liking but that was just her way of showing me how much she loved me. "Ughh! Aunt Mag, I can't breathe." I chuckled. She laughed as she let go.

"Princess, we better get going." My dad said. He entered the code into the keypad and the door buzzed before opening.

I knew that the moment I stepped through those doors, I was bound to bump into Jesse and I wasn't ready for that just yet. The awkwardness and tension between us would be just too much for me to handle this early in the morning.

"Go ahead, daddy. I'll be right there. I just have to make a phone call." I said and smiled.

"You remember the code?" Dad asked and I simply nodded. He smiled before opening the door and walking through it.

I sighed in relief. I absolutely hated the situation I was in and I knew that the sooner Jesse and I spoke about it, the better it would be for us. But honestly, I wasn't ready to have to the just friends conversation with the ex boyfriend who just so happens to be the love of my life.

Yeah I said it.

I pulled out my phone and dialed the last number I called. After a few rings, he finally answered.

"Hey babe. I'm about to walk into training. What's up?" Asked Dele.

Hearing his voice made my heart beat faster than usual. It transcended me into a constant high that people would take drugs just to feel it. Not only that but I felt comfort just by hearing him. He was my drug, the good kind.

"I just wanted to hear your voice." I answered.

I looked at Maggie and she had a concerned look on her face. She knew something was up so I decided to continue my conversation outside. I opened the front door and stepped outside. I walked towards the side of the building where no one could see.

Dele remained quiet for a bit before responding. "Missing me already, I see." Dele chuckled.

"Not even close." I chuckled. "But my parents are going out tonight and my brother is in Spain so I have the whole house to myself. I was thinking maybe, you could come over." I said, bitting onto my lower lip.

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