▹ [11] Leaked, Mobbed, Saved.

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"It's good to know that no matter what state you're in, Pandora will always be the same." Alice said as she handed her credit card to the cashier.

Oh so typical, Alice. The girl is obsessed with Pandora. It is literally the only jewelry she uses. Every time she visits the store, no matter where it is, she always gets so carried away and ends up buying something.

"Tell me about it." I chuckled.

The kind lady who was behind the desk, handed Alice her credit card back with a warm smile. Alice took the credit card and was about to put it away when she was distracted by my buzzing phone. I furrowed my eyebrows at Alice when my phone just wouldn't stop buzzing.

I pulled it out of my pocket to see that it was social media blowing up my phone. My twitter had exploded for some reason and so did my messages. I opened my messages and immediately saw 12 messages from my brother and 7 from Dele. I opened Dele's chat and got the shock of my life at what I saw. A picture of Dele and I kissing at Lamela's party.

The dare kiss.

"Oh fuck." I said out loud.

"What happened?" Alice asked, concerned.

I showed Alice the tweets Dele had sent me and her eyes immediately widened. She covered her mouth with her hand as she just stared at the tweets. She was speechless and she had every right to be.

I placed a hand on my forehead as I tried to process what had just happened. Somebody at that party took out a picture of Dele and I kissing and leaked it to the press. So many questions flooded my mind. Stuff like, which idiot did that? And why did they do that.

But the most important question of it all was, what was my father going to say?

Suddenly my phone started to ring and it was Jesse. I swiped the screen to the right and answered it.

"Jess." I answered.

"Soph." Jesse immediately said. "Please tell me you're at the hotel." He added. I noticed the tone in his voice. He was worried. Really worried.

"No, Jess. I'm-" before I could even complete my sentence, a crowd of journalists with their cameramen tried to enter the store. My heart started beating super fast as I knew this wasn't gonna end well. That was until the securities of Pandora managed to lock the doors.


"Soph?" Jesse asked, this time sounding even more worried. He must have heard the chaos over the phone.

I swallowed before answering to Jesse. "Jess." I said. My voice starting to tremble.

I always hated been mobbed by press. It scared the hell out of me. And usually when I get scared, I end up having an anxiety attack and Jesse knew that.

"Soph, where are you?" Jess asked.

"Pandora." I managed to say.

"Okay. Relax. I'm coming to get you. In the meantime, I want you to take deep breaths and think about happy thoughts okay?" Jesse instructed.

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