▹ [51] Work Calls.

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Walking into my parents house after being away for a day felt amazing. The moment I walked through the door, I could feel the presence of being home and let's not forget the yummy smell of moms food. I know I've only been away for a day but it seemed like forever, especially because this place means so much to me.

"Princess." My Dad said when he spotted me walking in the hallway.

"Daddy." I said and ran to him with the biggest smile on my face.

My father immediately grappled me into a hug. His hug was so warm and comfortable that I wished I could just stand there for hours but unfortunately I couldn't. I pulled away after a few minutes and smiled at my dad. "Moms in the kitchen." Said my dad, making me smile even more.

I started walking towards the kitchen with the biggest smile on my face. I couldn't wait to see my mom.

"Oh and princess." Said Dad, bringing me out of my thoughts. I whipped around and looked at him.

"Yes daddy." I asked.

"There's something important on the kitchen counter for you." Said Dad as he smiled and walked into the living room.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to figure out what could have been on the counter for me. Dad said that it was something important but I just couldn't wrap my head around what it could have been. Finding out that something important was waiting for me on the kitchen counter gave me even more motivation to walk faster into the kitchen.

After finally reaching the kitchen, I smiled at the sight of mom. My mom was standing by the stove in her blue apron as she stirred the Chicken Alfredo. Chicken Alfredo has always been my favorite, especially when mom made it. There was just something about the ingredients that she used and the creamy sauce that she made, that made her Chicken Alfredo stand out from the rest.

Knowing that mom had not seen me standing at the kitchen door, I slowly tiptoed towards her. When I had finally reached her, I wrapped my hands around her stomach as I squeezed her tightly.

"Oh baby, I've missed you so much." Said mom.

"Mommy, I've missed you too." I whined.

I let go of my mom so that she could turn around and hug me properly and that is exactly what she did. "So how is my beautiful girl doing today?" Asked Mum as she smiled at me.

"I am great. How are you mom?"

"I'm good honey. Oh something came for you this morning." Mum said as she handed me a white envelope from the counter.

Not waiting another second, I immediately opened the letter. I screamed at the sight of my drivers license. Finally after 2 months of waiting, it came. I got my drivers license when I turned 18 but I got it in America so when I came back home to Manchester, I had to get a UK drivers license in order to drive in the UK. I had to basically retake the tests.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so happy. Finally I can drive around again." I said and jumped up and down in excitement.

"Yeah. You don't need George anymore."

"Ugh. I'm gonna miss George."

"What happened to George?" Asked Jess as he walked into the kitchen. "Mrs Fergie. So good to see you my love." Jesse said as he walked towards my mom. He then hugged her and followed it up with a gentle kiss on the cheek.

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