▹ [08] Truth or Dare.

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Authors Note: This is actually a 2 part chapter. The next part will be published tomorrow. 🤗
Lamela's Party - Part 1.

I paid the cab driver before jumping out of the car with Alice. There we were standing outside of Erik Lamela's mansion. You could easily tell it was a house party; the music blasting through the windows and the sound of drunk people screaming on top of their voices.

I quickly sent Dele a text to tell him we were outside. With the amount of people that were inside, there was no way in hell I was going inside without a male escort. A few seconds later, my phone buzzed and it was a reply from Dele. Thank goodness.

"It's been a while since we've been to one of these." Ally said sounding super excited.

"Then we better make it worth it." Said Dele, appearing outta nowhere. I smiled when I saw him and he smiled back at me. He looked so handsome in his black skinny leg jeans and white formal shirt. "Glad you could make it. You look beautiful by the way." He said. Dele never took his eyes off me and that made me feel a little uneasy, although his compliment was rather flattering.

"Thank you." I blushed. Dele's smile was so beautiful that it sent shivers down my spine. The world around us had suddenly gone quiet as Dele and I stared into each other's eyes. It was as if nothing in the world had mattered besides that moment.

"Hi, I'm Alice." Said Alice, interrupting the moment.

"Dele." He said and offered her a hand which she accepted. "It's nice to meet you." He smiled at her.

"You too." Alice replied.

"Shall we go inside?" He asked.

"We shall." Alice said.

Dele led us inside the house and the whole walk inside, Alice gave me a weird look. It was the same look she used to give me whenever I was into a boy back in LA. Well she just misread the whole situation because I was not into Dele at all. I mean, come on I just met the guy.

We followed Dele inside the house, all the way to where his Spurs teammates were. I smiled when I saw Erik and immediately rushed up to him to wish him a happy birthday. Dele and Erik then both introduced me to the rest of their teammates and all the wags. I was quite surprised that Dele hadn't brought a date. I didn't expect a guy like him to be single.

A few seconds later, Dele's best friend Eric Dier showed Alice and I to Erik's bar so that we could get some drinks. Alice and I both agreed on getting completely wasted tonight. Dier ordered our first lot of drinks and once we had received them, we joined the Spurs players to play a game of Erik's choice.

To no surprise Erik chose the worst possible game ever, Truth or Dare. I absolutely hated this game because every time I played it, I had to do either something really embarrassing or extremely naughty and I was hoping that I wouldn't get caught this time.

Erik mentioned that he was changing one of the rules of the game and that was the fact that he will be giving out the dares. He then spun the bottle and the game began. The first round landed on Harry Winks who was gladly chose dare.

"Choose a girl, Winksy!" Erik commanded.

And without hesitation Harry (Winks) chose Amber. Harry (Winks) has had a crush on Amber for the past 2 months but hasn't asked her out as yet. He feels that she will reject him because she's only been single for 3 weeks.

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