▹ [09] Sexual Desires.

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[continues from last chapter.
Lamela's Party - Part 2]

I was flushed. I had just experienced one of the best kisses in my life and now Dele probably wants to meet me for another round. I set a 10 minute timer on my phone before rushing over to Alice. The look on her face said it all. She was in disbelief. "What the hell was that?" Alice asked. She was blown away by what had just happened.

"Honestly I don't know." I chuckled.

Keeping in mind what Dele said, I quickly looked around the room to check if he had already gone upstairs but he hadn't. He was busy talking to Erik.

"That was not a dare kiss. That was real. You guys nearly swallowed each other." Al chuckled. I could tell she was enjoying this.

"Wasn't it you who said that I just need to let loose and have fun?" I asked and Al nodded. "Well this is me having fun." I said and she immediately started laughing.

"Girl, I am loving this side of you." Al said.

At the corner of my eye, I could see Dele staring at me so I quickly glanced at him. He checked if anyone was looking at us, right before motioning for me to follow him. Dele then disappeared around the corner as I quickly thought of an excuse.

"I'm gonna go get another drink." I said to Al.

"Okay." She said.

I walked out of the living room and into the passage where the stairs was. I quickly checked around to see if anyone was looking and thankfully no one was. I rushed up the stairs as quick as I could in my black stilettos. When I reached upstairs, I started to count the doors on the left. Erik's house was huge. There had to be at least 8 bedrooms in this house.

Standing in front of the room that Dele asked me to go into, I let out a deep breath and braced myself for what was to come next. I opened the door and walked inside the dark room before quietly closing the door behind me.

"Dele." I called out and immediately the lights turned on to reveal Dele sitting on the bed shirtless and with a smile on his face.

He got up from the bed and started walking towards me. "Glad you could make it." He smirked.

"Should we talk about what happened downstairs?" I asked.

"Shh." He said and placed a finger over my lips. "Talking is for children." He said.

Dele placed his hand on my face and moved my hair away from my face. He then leaned in and pulled me into a deep kiss. I threw my purse onto the drawer to my left and removed my stilettos. After a few seconds, Dele pushed me against the door aggressively and slowly moved down to my neck. I felt shivers down my neck as he left trails of wet kisses.

He placed his hands around my waist and lifted me up, allowing me to wrap my legs around him. He carried me all the way to the bed before sitting down. He reconnected our lips as his hands found their way to the zipper of my dress. Within seconds, he ripped it off me and I was left only  in my underwear which forced me to pull out of the kiss.

I furrowed my eyebrows at Dele and he simply just smirked at me. "That dress looks very good on you but I prefer this look." He said with a cocky smile, causing me to laugh.

He then picked me up and placed me flat on the bed. He took of his jeans and underwear before slowly walking towards me caressing my whole body with just his hand. He leaned in to kiss me once again and this time we kissed with even more passion than we did before. Our bodies were touching and I could feel the hardness of his manhood between my legs and that turned me on.

Dele eventually broke away from the kiss and moved down to my breasts. He started to nibble on the right one while his hand massaged the left one. I couldn't help but let out a moan because it felt so good. A few minutes later, he switched sides and as much as I was enjoying it, I was tired of all the teasing. I wanted him in me and I wanted him now.

He somehow knew I wanted him so he started trailing wet kisses down my stomach. Then suddenly, I felt his hands around my waist pulling my lacey underwear out. All I could think about was the fact that this was so wrong because we had only just met but honestly it felt so right.

"You're so wet for me." Dele chuckled.

"I can't help it." I admitted slyly.

I knew he was ready to embrace me so I grabbed the sheets and waited. Dele slid his large manhood into me and immediately I got this awakening feeling. I felt my body tremble each time he shoved himself in me. I was so overwhelmed with pleasure that a scream accidentally escaped my mouth.

I could tell Dele enjoyed hearing me scream because he couldn't stop smiling. "That's it babygirl. Scream for me." He smirked right before thrusting in me with every bit of power in him. And it was fair to say that Dele won because I screamed as loud as I could.

"Fuck, Dele!" I said as he continued to work me. I was close to an orgasm and he knew it.

"Let it out." He smiled as he trusted in me fast and hard. Before I knew it, I exploded.

I could see that Dele was enjoying himself a little too much so I decided it was now my turn to have some fun. I flipped him over onto his back and he smiled because he knew he had no choice but to surrender his body to me.

All I could think of was that I needed to ride him so good that he never ever forget this night. I started moving back and forth on him. Starting of slow and then going fast. I could see he was reaching his climax for he let out soft moans and those moans were my name. That gave me even more motivation and before I knew it, he was there.

I didn't want to stop but I had too. I moved off him and laid down beside him. The rest of the night, I laid in his arms while we spoke about a few things before falling asleep together.


Oh damn!
Is anyone shipping Sophia and Dele? What should we call them? Suggestions? 🤔

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