▹ [47] Exes & Soulmates.

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"Hello Sophia." She said with a smile on her face. "My name is Julianna."

For some reason, I was frozen. I didn't know what the hell to do. There she was. Jesse's extremely gorgeous ex girlfriend standing before us. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Julianna, what are you doing here?" Asked Jesse.

"I came back for you sweetie." Said Julianna. "I've missed you." She said as she fluttered her big eyes.

Oh my gosh. Tell me this is just a dream. Tell me I'm dreaming and this is not actually happening. Somebody pinch me so that I can wake up and everything will be back to normal.

Suddenly I heard footprints coming from the living room. A few seconds later, Marcus burst in. The moment he saw Julianna, he stopped dead in his tracks. "Julianna." Said Marcus with widened eyes.

"Hi Marc." Said Julianna.

Marcus turned to look at me and the look on his face said it all. He was in disbelief.

There was a brief awkward moment of silence before Marcus decided to speak up again. "Well, I'm gonna go back inside cause I don't belong here." Said Rash.

If this wasn't such a serious situation, I would have laughed at Marcus' reaction but it was. A part of me still wanted to laugh out loud but then again a part of me also wanted to slap Julianna for no apparent reason.

She just stood there staring at Jesse with her beautiful long black hair, the dark eyes, the perfectly toned figure and that annoying smile on her face. The longer she stood there, the more and more annoyed I was getting.

"Julianna, you can't just come to Russia and tell me you miss me after being apart for an entire year. After-"

"But I love you Jesse." Julianna said, interrupting Jesse. My eyes widened in surprise. He didn't even let him complete what he wanted to say, she just cut him off. How rude!

"Bull crap. If you really loved me, you wouldn't have cheated on me with that dick Jordan. You can't say you love me cause you never did. You just wanted my money." Said Jesse.

So Jordan is the best friends brother, I'm assuming.

Julianna's smile was slowly starting to fade away but she still seemed so determined to get Jesse back. She bit her lower lip in what I would call an attempt to seduce Jesse but my guy wasn't having any of it.

"And the only reason why you're back now is because you know I am with Sophia. But guess what, I love Sophia. She makes me the happiest I have ever been. She is my soulmate and one day, I am going to marry her so whatever fantasies you have of us getting back together, you can scratch it out because there's no way in hell it's going to happen." Jesse said. His voice was so gruff and appealing.

I was shocked at how harsh my baby was being towards Julianna but I guess she must have really broken his heart because she definitely brought out the worst in him at that very moment. I looked at Julianna and her smile had completely disappeared.

Finding out that Jesse had found happiness after he dumped her must have been a proper slap in the face for her. It's seems that Jesse was going to be her rebound from her fuck boy but unfortunately that is not an option for her anymore.

But what I couldn't get out of my mind was the words that came out of Jesse's mouth. He called me his soulmate and said that he's going to marry me one day. That is everything a girl wants to hear from the man she truly loves.

Getting married is a huge step but it's every girl's dream. It's gonna take a while to get there but just knowing that I'm the person Jesse wants to marry means everything in the world, considering the fact that he's the person I want to walk down the aisle too.

"You've made your point. Goodbye, Jesse." Said Julianna and within a blink of an eye, she was gone.

Jesse closed the door and turned around. He shut his eyes and sighed in relief. "I am so sorry that you had to see that." He apologized as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It's okay, honey." I said as I placed my hands around his neck.

"Forget whatever Julianna said. She is in the past. I love you and only you Sophia Ferguson." Said Jesse, making a smile appear on my face.

"I love you too." I said and sealed my words with a kiss. Seconds later, I pulled away and intertwined our fingers together. "Now come on, we have a FIFA tournament final to watch." I said and smiled at him.

Jesse and I walked into the living room and suddenly everything went quiet. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and all eyes were on us. I know that Rash definitely didn't say anything about Julianna's appearance, and it was just our friends being curious as usual.

"Is everything alright?" Asked Dele.

"All good." I said and smiled at everyone but they still didn't seem convinced.

"Seriously guys, alls good." Said Jesse. "LET THE FINALS BEGIN!" Yelled Jess and everyone started to shout 'yeah' like a bunch of wild animals.

15 Minutes Later.

The finale that just ended and everyone was now applauding Rash on his victory. It's official! Rash has won the FIFA tournament. He deserved it. He played very well throughout the competition and he didn't even cheat or help anyone to cheat.


The score ended up 7-4. Manchester United defeating Tottenham Hotspur or should I say Marcus Rashford defeating Dele Alli. I would say it was a pretty even match but the truth is that Marcus was a little better than Dele. I'll rate them, Marcus 9/10 and Dele 7/10.

The rest of the night was chilled. I wish I could say that the FIFA tournament buzz ended once the tournament was over but unfortunately it wasn't. I was getting roasted by everyone including Jesse, for cheating. They should have just dropped the topic when I got caught but instead they just wanted to be bitter.

Besides the encounter with Julianna, I would say that we had a really good night. Everyone had a good time and that was the most important thing.


Jesse admitted that he wants to marry Sophia one day 😁 Rash wins the FIFA tournament ☺️and Julianna makes an appearance 😳 What do you think is going to happen next? Do you really think that Julianna got Jesse's point loud and clear? 🤔 Let me know!

Thanks for reading ☺️
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