▹ [56] Shopping & Injuries.

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I flung my bag on the couch and kicked out my shoes. I walked over to the other couch and fell flat on it. Just then Danny walked in with all of my shopping bags. Today Danny and I went shopping in Manchester and even though Danny would probably describe it as hell, I definitely thought it was fun.

"Today was fun." I said as I watched Danny sit down on one of the couches.

Danny's eye's immediately widened. "Fun? You call that fun?" Danny asked and rolled his eyes.

"Yes! Very fun!" I chuckled, knowing that he was annoyed by the amount of shopping that I did. "Look at the bright side, I got 10 bags of new clothes and accessories." I said and smiled.

"10 bags of junk I say." Danny said, causing me to gasp.

I sat straight up on the couch and looked at him. "How can you call my precious babies junk?" I said with a straight face.

"Quite easily because they are!"

"Hey you weren't complaining when I bought you £85 sunglasses now were you." I said and Danny simply just laughed.

"I came all the way from America just to see you." Danny chuckled. "You had no choice but too." He added.

I looked at the time and realized that it was nearly 3. I immediately jumped out of the couch, knowing that Jesse was going to be home soon. "Shit!" I said and looked at Danny. "We gotta hide most of these bags." I said and grabbed a few of them.

"Why?" Danny laughed as I ran around the living room like a crazy person.

"Because Jesse has forbidden me from shopping." I said and pouted.

"And why would he do that?" Danny said and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Apparently I shop too much." I shrugged. The look on Danny's face indicated that he wasn't buying anything I was saying so keeping in mind that Jesse was going to arrive home anytime now, I decided to tell Danny the whole truth. "And.. because...." I said and trailed off.

"Go on!"

"I already have an entire wardrobe of unused clothes, shoes and jewelry." I blurted. "Now can you shut up and grab the rest of the bags. Leave two behind so he'll think that's all the shopping I did."

10 minutes later.

Danny and I had just finished hiding all the new clothes and jewelry I had bought earlier today, when a car pulled up in the driveway.

"It's Jess!" I said and looked at Danny. "Not a word about this." I said and pointed a finger at Danny.

"My lips are sealed but only because you got me these sweet sunglasses." Danny smiled causing me to roll my eyes at him.

As Danny and I walked down the stairs, we could hear the front door opening. A smile grew on my face knowing that I was about to see my handsome boyfriend. Watching him leave every morning for training is so hard when all I wanna do is be with him but at the same time, I don't want to be that clingy girlfriend.

I hurried down the stairs and turned into the hallway when I reached the bottom. I walked towards the door and gasped when I saw Jesse hobbling inside with the help of Marcus.

"Noooo! Babyyyy, what happened?" I asked and pouted.

"Groin injury." Jesse said and through his shoes down in frustration.

Picking up an injury right before the season can start is one of the worst things a footballer can go through. Groin injuries usually take around 6-8 weeks to fully recover, which means that Jess is going to miss at least the first 3 weeks of the new Premier League season.

It also means that he will have to miss the Preseason Tour. Jesse was so excited to join the lads on the preseason tour in America. We even made plans as to what we were gonna do there, during his free time and now this had to happen.

"I'm sorry, baby." I said and hugged Jess. Jesse squeezed me tightly as he buried his head into my shoulder.

I looked at Marcus and he had an apologetic look on his face. He's definitely feeling it as much as Jesse is because Jesse's injury now means that Marcus has to go on the Preseason Tour without his best friend and that is going to be very hard for him.

The bromance is going to be separated for a good couple of weeks.     ((Sorry, Jarcus fans))

"It's a bummer really!" Jess said and pulled away. We all started walking towards the living room.

"A big one. Now I have to go on Preseason alone." Marcus injected and helped Jess sit down gently on the couch once we had reached the living room. Marcus then took a seat next to Jesse.

"You gonna be alright bootie?" Asked Jess as he patted Marcus on the head. Marcus didn't say a word, instead he just put his head down and frowned.

"Aww." I said and Jess started to smile.

"Don't worry! You'll be alright!" Jess said and patted Marcus on the back.

"The two of you make me wanna cry." I said and tried to hold back the tears that were beginning to form in my eyes.

Jesse and Marcus share a really special bond. Even though there's a 5 year age gap between the two of them, it doesn't stop them from being the best brothers they can be towards one another. Anybody who knows them, know that they cannot stay without each other. Whether it's with United or England, they are always together. They are quite the bromance.

"I'll come watch you play." Jesse said.

Marcus immediately turned to look at him. "You gonna fly all the way to America to watch me play?" Asked Marcus.

"Rash, I'll fly across the world just to watch you play." Jesse stated. I smiled when hearing him say that. He always knew how to make us feel better whenever we were feeling down.

"This is friendship goals." Danny said and the boys simply smiled at him.

Just at that moment, my phone made a noise. It was an email from Mark Clifford. I opened the email and started to read it. I sighed in frustration and locked my phone once I finished reading it.

"What's going on?" Asked Jesse.

"That was Clifford. He's giving me a final warning. I'm scheduled to go back to work on Monday."


Aww, another Jarcus moment 😁
And a Jesse injury 😫 Sorry!
What are your thoughts on this chapter? 🤔

Btw, I teared when Jesse went off yesterday, just because it was the second time in 2 weeks that he had to go out like that and it just killed me seeing him like that 😫

Thanks for reading ☺️ Please vote and comment 🙏🏼💜 x

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