▹ [64] Marriage.

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Jesse's POV.

The idea of a barbecue with the lads was genius. I officially have the best girlfriend in the entire world. The things my girl does for me is amazing. I am beyond lucky to have Sophia in my life. Blessed beyond measure.

I was now chilling with a few of the lads, my beer was nearly empty but there was Marcus, already waiting with another one. "Cheers mate." He said as we clicked our bottles together.

"Cheers lad." I said. "Yo, I know this is not a party or anything but we should play a game." I suggested to the lads.

"I agree, let's have some fun." Said Andreas.

"Let's make it interesting. Let's play Never Have I Ever." Said Marcus. I smiled at him when he said that because I knew that the only reason why he suggested that game was so we could see what dark secrets the lads have.

"It's settled then. Who's in?" I chuckled.

Daniel immediately laughed and said "Why not!"

"Me one hundred percent." Said Andreas.

"How bad it be? Count me in." Said Scott.

A few of the other lads joined in as well, few of them being, Dave, Luke, Mason and Diogo. Danny, Sophia and Maddison joined in on the fun as well, as the rest of the team just watched on.

"I'll start." Said Marcus. "Never have I ever been arrested." He said.

"Ahh never." Said Dave. Everyone didn't drink besides Danny.

"Danny boy." I said as I looked at him shocked. The entire room of people started to laugh.

"Drunk driving." Danny said shyly.

"I actually remember that night. You called me up from the jail at 2 in the morning. Man I wanted to kill you so badly." Sophia said. She smiled at the flashback memory. Her smile was so beautiful.

"Where was I?" Asked Maddison.

"Shooting a movie in Canada." Said Danny.

"Ohh. Alright, me next!" Said Maddison. "Never have I ever hooked up with anyone at a club." She said.

There were a few "whats" going around the room as everyone was in disbelief.

"That's a lie." I spat.

"No it's actually true. She has strong will power." Said Sophia.

"My baby is a saint. Just the way I like it." Marcus smirked as he smiled at Maddison.

"I love you." Maddison said to Marcus as they both shared a small kiss in front of an audience that gladly cheered them on. Maddison broke away from the kiss and turned her attention back to the game. "Come on guys, drink up." She smirked.

Everyone in the game took a sip from their cup. I'm pretty sure that Maddison is the only person alive who has never had a random hook up with someone at a club.

"Me now." Said Sophia. "Never have I ever made a sex tape." She said and looked at me. Sophia raised her eyebrows at me, clearly hinting that she wanted to make one.

I smiled at everyone's reaction.

"Take a hint, bro." Said Scott as he playfully punched my leg.

"That can be arranged." I said and smirked at my girl. Once again, the entire room erupted with cheers.

"Drink up everyone." Sophia said. Everyone in the game drank besides Diogo.

"How Diogo. Never?" Asked Juan.

"Never." Said Diogo.

The rest of the game consisted of more nonsense and hidden secrets but it was fun to get to know everyone in that way. Once we all had a turn to say something we never do, we ended the game and just chilled in Sophia's backyard.

Later That Night.

After a few drinks, a delicious barbecue, spending quality time together, most of the lads decided to leave and go back to their hotel. It was now just past eleven and we sitting around the fire in classic bonfire style with some s'mores and some plain marshmallows. Typical American tradition.

"You had fun tonight, Jess?" Asked Scott.

"Yeah, Scotty. It was good to be with all of you again." I said.

It was. It was really good to see the lads today and hang out with them. I've really missed training with them, the banter and confiding in them in times of need. I wish the coach could have been here but unfortunately he was busy tonight but I will see him soon.

"Two people to thank." Andrea's pointed out. 

"My girl and my Broski. They are the best." I said and smiled at them both.

"Looks like we're all out of marshmallows." Said Danny.

"I'll get them." Sophia volunteered. She then woke up from her seat and walked inside the house.

A few seconds later, Sophia's phone lit up, indicating that she had received a messaged. I looked at the message and it was a message from Mark. There was another unread message under that and this one was from her lawyer.

I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw the lawyers name as so many questions filled my mind. Why was Sophia talking to her lawyer? Was something wrong? And why hasn't she said anything about it to me? I unlocked her phone and decided to read the message.

My eyes widened and my heart nearly stopped when I saw what the message actually said. In fact, I don't even know if I was reading right or if I had too many beers for one night. I had the read the message one more time to see if I read right.

Jules Freeman: Hi darling. I hope you're well. I have just received feedback from Colton's lawyers. It seems that Colton has agreed to finalizing the divorce. I will draw up the papers tomorrow and fax it to him immediately so we can get this over as quick as possible. Take care, love.



What the fuck is going on here?


Hold tf up! 😱
Sophia is married to Colton? 😱😱
"What the fuck??" Indeed Jesse!
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