▹ [17] Wildside.

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[continues from the previous chapter. This is a 2 part chapter]

20 minutes later.

"Double Skyy Vodka." I said. "Oh and can you sprinkle this on top?" I asked the cute bartender and handed him the small packet.

"But mam, we're not allowed to serve weed. It is against our policy and rules." He said and gave the packet back.

I grabbed him by his waistcoat and pulled him over the counter. "I'm sure you can make a plan for the daughter of Sir Alex Ferguson." I whispered into his ear. "And I'll be more than happy to triple your tip." I said, emphasizing the word triple.

"Anything for the Princess Of Manchester." Said the handsome bartender. "By the way, I'm Liam." He added. Such a cute name for such a cute guy.

Liam looked like he was in his late 20's. He had slick dark brown hair and hazel brown eyes that complimented his perfectly tanned skin tone. He was the perfect image in the making. A true masterpiece.

"Sophia." I said and smiled at the dreamy bartender who handed me a drink. "Let's make every round like this." I said and winked at him.

"You sure you want too?" He asked. Liam looked a little worried about me. As cute as he was, I didn't need him to feel bad for me.

"Yes I'm sure."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Look just save the pity talk for someone who actual cares and do your damn job!" I said and rolled my eyes.

I picked up the glass filled with vodka and weed and drank it in one go. I handed the glass back to Liam and gave him a cocky smile. "I'll have another." I said and raised my eyebrows at him.

Just then another bartender walked towards me with a cocktail in his hand. "Mam, that gentlemen over there said you look dashing and wanted me to give you this." The bartender said. He pointed at a man with dark blonde hair and green eyes. He looked like he was in his early 30's.

The guy then walked up to me and took a seat next to me. "Hey beautiful." He said. His thick British accent sent shivers down my spine.

"Thank you for the drink." I said and looked down at the two glasses of alcohol I had now had.

"Always a pleasure for a gorgeous lady like you." He said. "You look like you want to have a good time. Well instead of weed, why don't take it up a notch?" The guy said.

That statement definitely won my attention. I looked at him and he placed his hand on the counter. His fists were clenched and that made me anxious to know what it was he was holding in his hand. And just like that I got my answer. The man opened his hand and a smile grew on my face when I saw what he had.



Marcus' POV.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Without opening my eyes, I moved my hand around on the nightstand to find it. Once I did, I slid my finger across the screen and answered it.

"Hello." I answered in a very inaudible voice.

"Hello. Is this Marcus Rashford?" The person asked.

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