▹ [72] WWE Run Ins.

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Monday Afternoon.

"Guess who has two tickets to WWE." Said Danny, excitedly as he entered my room with two tickets in his hand. Tickets that I assumed was the WWE tickets he was talking about.

"Guess who's finally divorced." I said and waved the divorce papers in the air.

"Finally! We need to celebrate." Said Danny. "And you know how we can do that?" Danny asked with a huge smile on his face.

"Don't you dare say by going to that WWE event." I said and rolled my eyes at him.

Danny has been a WWE fan his whole life. During my time in Hollywood, Danny used to drag me to these WWE events every chance he could get. It was so bad that we actually became friends with some of the Superstars. Some of them like Becky, Randy and Mike reached out to me when I had my accident and suffered with amnesia.

"Come on, Soph! It will be good. Don't you want to see our friends?" Asked Danny.

"I do but.." I said. A WWE event is not much of a celebratory event.

"Please." Danny pleaded.

"Fine." I said and rolled my eyes.

Just then, I received a message on my phone. I looked at the screen and was surprised when I saw that it was Jesse.

Jesse: Hey Soph! Just checking to see how you doing? 🤙🏾

I smiled whilst reading Jesse's message. Danny was quick to notice the smile. "Who is that making you smile so brightly?" Danny asked with a smirk on his face.

"Jesse." I replied.

"Soph, you can't keep doing this to yourself. Jesse broke up with you. For how long are you going to continue talking to him?" Asked a concerned Danny.

I understand that Danny is trying to be a good friend and is only looking out for me but I've accepted the fact that I might have lost Jesse forever but just because I lost him as a boyfriend, doesn't mean that I have to lose him as a friend too.

"I know but we're just friends." I said to him.


WWE Event.
Monday Night RAW.

Danny and I walked into the backstage area. Of course, Danny had backstage passes. Why wouldn't he? After a few minutes of walking, we turned around into a corner and stopped dead in our tracks when we realized that we had walked into catering. There was still a couple of hours before the show so some of the superstars were busy eating and socializing with their fellow coworkers.

"Hey guys." Said Sasha Banks.

I wanted to roll my eyes at the sound of her voice but didn't. I decided to be polite. I've never been one to despise people but for some reason, I despise Sasha Banks. Maybe it's because her attitude stinks, she's a show off and she thinks she's better than everyone. Just everything about her annoys me, including her stupid face.

"Hey you!" Danny greeted her. Danny then turned to look at me. I think he was waiting for me to greet her but that wasn't going to happen. "Soph, I want to tell you something very important." Danny started.

"What is it?" I asked. What could Danny possibly want to tell me?

"Sasha is my girlfriend." He stated.

I almost gagged on the words that came out of Danny's mouth. Girlfriend? I thought to myself.. more like worst nightmare.

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