▹ [84] You & Me Got A Whole Lot Of History.

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Thursday Night.

I walked into Panacea an hour later with the idea of letting loose and having a good time with my United family. As soon as I entered, I was immediately greeted by the 2 musketeers who both had drinks in their hands and looked liked they were already tipsy. Marcus threw his hand around my neck while Jesse walked on the other side of me.

"Where's Dele?" Was the first thing Marcus asked me.

I turned to face him and all he did was smile at me. "Hello Sophia. How are you doing? How was your time in LA? Did you enjoy yourself? Want a drink?" I said to Marcus with a straight face.

"I asked you all of that yesterday. Well besides the last part." Marcus said, defending himself.

"Over the phone. Couldn't even stop by the house." I argued.

"Hello Sophia. How are you doing? How was your time in LA? Did you enjoy yourself?" Jesse asked with a smile on his face.

Hearing Jesse ask me all of that put a smile on my face. "Hi Jess. I'm great thanks, how are you? LA was fun. It was an emotional rollercoaster but it all turned out well in the end." I said.

"I'm good and that's great to hear. Want a drink?" Asked Jesse.

"I would love one." I said and with that Jesse walked away. "You see Rash, that's how you greet someone." I said and turned to Marcus who just rolled his eyes at me.

"I was going to come over but Dele told me that you guys were spending the day together." Marcus said.

I know that if I didn't have plans with Dele yesterday, Marcus and Jesse would have definitely visited me but then again, I love messing with Marcus. "I know" I chuckled. "And Dele is in London. It's back to training for him tomorrow." I explained.

When I was away in LA, Dele recovered from his injury. He is still yet to play in a match but he is back in training which is both good and bad. It's good because I'm happy he's back but it's also bad in a way because now I will barely see him.

A few hours went by and everyone was now pissed drunk out of their minds. We were sitting in the smoking area. Paul, Marcus, Jesse, Andreas and a few of the other lads were smoking cigars and as always, I was caught in the middle of the 2 musketeers. Jesse nudged me, getting my attention. He looked down at the cigar in his hand in an attempt to ask me whether I wanted to take a pull. I smiled and he immediately knew that my answer was yes. Jesse held the cigar up so that I could take a pull out of it and I did. I closed my eyes as I inhaled the tobacco. It's been a while since I had been intoxicated in that way.

An hour later, we had reached our time limit and it was now time to go home. The placed was practically cleared. The only people who were left were our friends. As I walked towards the door I could barely see anything but I did notice that my feet were cold and that was when I realized that I didn't have any shoes on. "Where's my shoes?" I laughed.

"I got them." Said someone from behind me. I tried to recognize the voice but before I could, the person walked up to me and it turned out to be Andreas.

Another person them came up to me and this time it was Marcus. "Here, drink this." Marcus said and handed me a glass of liquid. I took a sip of the liquid to see what it was and it turned out to be ice water.

"Alright boys, I need to love and leave y'all." I looked for my bag and I couldn't seem to find it on me. "Where's my bag?" I asked.

"It's with me and you're not driving home like that. In fact, you're not going home like that." Jesse said.

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