▹ [54] Crazy Ex Girlfriends.

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Jesse's POV.

"Later Beans." I said and watched my best friend take off. I waited for Rash to go outside the gate and once he did, I closed it. I turned around and started walking towards my front door when someone called out to me.

"Hey Jess." She said. I immediately sighed at the sound of the voice.

I turned around and there was Julianna, walking towards me with a smile on her face. She must have ran in while the gate was closing. "What do you want?" I asked her as I walked inside my house. 

"I want you Jesse, I always wanted you." Julianna said, causing me to laugh.

She's full of jokes today.

"Yeah you want me so badly that you cheated on me. Really felt the love there." I chuckled.

"That was a mistake. I don't know what I was thinking." She said and grabbed my arm.

I moved my arm almost immediately. This girl is insane if she thinks that I'm gonna go back to her after what she did. "Just go. I just got back my training and I'm tired. Leave." I said and pointed at the door.

"I'm not leaving." Julianna said and crossed her arms together.

"You just won't give up now. Like I even care about your feelings after what you did to me. No, those days are over." I said. Julianna looked surprised. She didn't expect me to say something like that. "The door is right over there. Leave when you feel like it." I said and pointed at the door once more.

I turned around and walked up the stairs. It was already 3:35 and I needed to get cleaned up and changed to meet Sophia at her folks house.

10 minutes later.

I walked out of the bathroom in my shorts. I stepped into my room and rolled my eyes when I saw Julianna sitting on my bed. "What are you still doing here? I told you to leave." I said and grabbed one of my shirts from my closet.

"And I told you that I am not leaving. Not until I get you." Julianna said. She stood up and walked towards me.

"Julianna I'm not into you. Whatever feelings I had for you is gone. Long gone." I said with a straight face. "And I know that you was the one who made up that rumor about Sophia and Trent. You tipped off the paparazzi." I said and pointed at her.

The moment that the scandal about Sophia and Trent was revealed, I knew that Julianna had something to do with it. I didn't want to tell Sophia that Julianna was behind it because I knew that she would get angry and I didn't want to see my girl angry again.

"And so what if I did? It's not like I've been feeding the paparazzi false information or something. Anyone who can't see that the two of them are a thing is plain right dumb." Julianna said and opened her eyes wide.

"You are delusional." I said and walked over to the left side of my bed.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and looked at my messages. One of them was from Marcus saying that he reached his house. I replied to Marcus and locked my phone because that was literally the only message I wanted to see.

I threw my phone on the bed and sat next to it.

"You make me delusional." Julianna smirked. She then sat down next to me.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. She is really mentally disturbed. I sighed before looking at her again. "Julianna. Leave. Please leave before I call security and have a restraining order filled against you." I said. I was starting to lose my patience with this girl.

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