▹ [33] Truth, Date, Phonecall.

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Wednesday Morning.

I walked out of the bathroom in my pajamas and a towel wrapped around my head. "So are you ready for your first date with Jesse?" Asked Danny.

I removed the towel revealing my long, wet and messy black hair. "I'm actually kinda nervous." I chuckled.

I looked at Danny's face and he had a smug on his face. "Nervous. What for?" He asked, confused.

"This is the first real date we're going on in eight years. Not to mention, our first date as adults." I admitted, nervously.

Jesse and I have a complicated past. We were childhood sweethearts and then one day he suddenly broke things off with me. It was really unexpected because I thought we would be together forever but I guess he just didn't feel the same way.

"But he's your soulmate." Danny said, highlighting a very good point.

"That's true." I said. I started smiling when the flashback of when I first met Jesse, came into my head. "I remember the first time I spoke to him. Maybe we were just little kids.. but I knew for sure he was the one I wanted to marry."

"Aww." Danny said and smiled. "That's just adorable. Just the thought of him, makes you blush. Are you getting butterflies in your tummy as well?" Danny mocked.

I quickly grabbed a pillow from my bed and flung it at Danny. To my luck, the pillow hit him straight in the face.

What a perfect shot!

"Stop teasing me you idiot. As if you've never been in love before." I said and rolled my eyes.

"I have but I've never been so in love with someone, the way you are in love with Jesse." Danny said.

There was something about what Danny said, that struck out to me; 'the way you are in love with Jesse.' Hearing those words felt like heaven. It put a smile on my face and made me realize how much I really love Jesse.

"You're right. I am so in love with Jesse. I always have been. I always will be."


I applied on a nude shade of lipstick and ran my fingers through my hair to make sure it set properly. I glanced in the mirror one last time before grabbing my cellphone and my purse and heading downstairs.

When I arrived downstairs, Jesse was sitting in the lounge talking to my dad. As soon as they heard the sound of footsteps walking on the tiles, both my dad and Jesse turned around. A smile appeared on both of their faces when they laid eyes on me.

"Hi." I said to them both.

My dad was the first to walk up to me. He placed his hands on either sides of my face and smiled at me. "You look beautiful." Said my dad.

"Thank you Daddy." I smiled at him. Dad leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on my forehead before walking away.

"Wow. You look amazing. That dress." Jesse said and complimented my short white boho dress. The expression on his face indicated that he was blown away. He was looking so handsome in his white formal shirt and black jeans.

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