▹ [74] Homecoming Dance.

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Stepping unto the red carpet for the first time since my accident was one of the most overwhelming feelings I've experienced in months

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Stepping unto the red carpet for the first time since my accident was one of the most overwhelming feelings I've experienced in months. I almost forgot how good it felt to be in the spotlight again; to have all those camera's on me. I'm usually not a person who demands and craves attention but I've got to admit, I was certainly enjoying all the attention I was getting.

I placed my left hand on my hip and posed for the camera's with the biggest smile on my face as I watched multiple flashes on me. I was soon joined by a presenter who was eagerly waiting to hear all the juicy stories about my very boring life.

"Sophia! Hi. I'm Carly Rivers, a presenter for SportsBlitz." The small petite lady introduced herself. "Do you have time for a short interview?" Asked Carly, politely.

"Hi Carly. Nice to meet you.." I said. "Sure, no problem." I smiled at her.

Carly then turned to her camera crew and nodded her head, instructing them to get the camera rolling. "Hey guys, I'm Carly Rivers reporting live from the Manchester United, United4Unicef Homecoming Charity Dance Event and I'm joined by one of the leading lady, Hollywood actress, also known as the Princess Of Manchester, the one and only, Sophia Ferguson." Carly said.

The camera guy immediately moved the camera towards me. "Wow! Thank you, Carly for that introduction." I chuckled.

"You welcome. So Sophia, I have to ask, how does it feel to be back on the red carpet?" Asked Carly.

I somehow knew that question would come up. "Amazing. Honestly, I've missed this so much. The moment I stepped onto the red carpet, it reminded me of my days in Hollywood when I used to walk red carpets for fun. But today is different, today is exceptionally special because it's for charity and I've couldn't have chosen a better event to return to the red carpet, Carly." I said with confidence in my voice.

"Yes, nothing is better than an charity event. So, I know that you have an a rough few months, but can you tell us what's next for Sophia Ferguson? What can we expect?"

I laughed at the question because earlier today I had received a phone call from Mark which was in relation to my show. "Funny thing actually. I got a call from Mark earlier today asking me if I was ready to return to work and I said yes. Teenage Drama, that's what you can expect. I'm going back. I'm going back to finish the last season. Bella Hartley is back baby."

"Yessss!" Carly screamed.

"For one last time." I chuckled.

"For one last time." Carly repeated. "Okay last question, even though this is a charity event, Manchester United issued a statement that there will be a crowning of a King and a Queen at tonight's event. Can you tell us who you're going to be voting for?"

"I can't say who I'm voting for because even I don't know who I'm going to vote for as yet." I laughed into the camera.

Carly immediately started laughing. "Okay then can you tell us who you want to win?" Asked Carly.

At that very moment, I was joined by two interview crashers; Marcus and Jesse. Both of them put their hands around my neck and smiled at me.

"We're crashing this interview." Said Marcus, stating the obvious.

"Heyyy Carly." Jesse said, excitedly.

"Hey Jesse. Good to see you again and you too Marcus." Said Carly.

"You too." Said Marcus.

They both looked absolutely dashing in their customized tailor made suits.

"You guys, prom king and queen?" Asked Carly.

I smiled and pointed at Marcus who was standing to the left of me. I then looked into the camera and muttered the words 'King.' Jesse was quick to pick up on what I had done and immediately removed his hand from around my neck.

"Excuse me? What was that?' Asked Jesse, sounding all offended.

"Oh nothing." I asked as Marcus started to laugh. "I was just saying that I don't know who I want to win prom King." I tried to coverup.

"Don't be jealous." Marcus chuckled.

"And Queen?" Asked Carly.

"Me, hopefully." I chuckled.

Later That Night.

The Homecoming Charity Event was such a huge success. The amount of money that we had raised was remarkable. Once the event formalities were done, it was finally time for the actual Homecoming Dance to start; the unforgettable high school experience. The band played a few songs so that the votes could be tallied during that time. And when it finally was, it was time to announced the homecoming King and Queen.

Manchester United manager, Ole Gunnar Solakjaer took to the stage and asked for everyone's attention. "So since we decided to go the full ride with this Homecoming thing, I think it's only fitting that I do this the proper and totally cliché way by saying that this is the moment we've all been waiting for.." Ole said and paused. Every laughed at the way he said that. He then opened the envelope and smiled when he saw the names. "Your homecoming King and Queen is MARCUS RASHFORD AND SOPHIA FERGUSON." Ole announced.

I immediately started to laugh when I heard my name being called out. It happened exactly how I played it in my head. I know it sounds childish but I actually wanted to win Homecoming Queen so badly and now that I've won, it just feels so surreal.

"Soph!" Said Marcus, snapping me out of my thoughts. He was standing up with his hand held out to me.

"We won it, Rash!" I chuckled and took his hand.

Marcus and I walked up to the stage, over to Ole who was waiting for us with hugs. "Rashy, Soph, congratulations! Nobody deserves it better than you two." Ole said with a smile on his face. He placed the crowns on our head and then announced us once again as Homecoming King and Queen. Ole then asked everyone to clear the dance floor so that Marcus and I could have our first dance together as King and Queen.


I know the whole Homecoming Queen thing is a little cliché but after everything that Sophia has been through, I just wanted to give her a moment😅

Are you happy with Rashy being Homecoming King? 🤔 or should it have been someone else? If so, who? 😅

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