▹ [03] Homecoming.

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24 hours later.

Location: Manchester.

I stepped out of the plane and breathed in the fresh air of Manchester. Oh how I have missed this place. This is the place I was born and even though I'm now a Hollywood girl, my heart will always be in Manchester.

I walked down the airplane stairs and was immediately greeted by a flight attendant. "Good morning Miss Ferguson. My name is Olivia and I just want to say, welcome back to Manchester." Said the kind lady.

"Thank you Olivia." I smiled at her before spotting my older brother Tommy.

Tommy and I have a typical brother/sister relationship. As much as we fight, we also look out for each other and our love for each other is infinite.

When we were younger, Tommy always encouraged me to follow my dreams. Growing up, I was always scared to tell my father about my dream to be an actress because I didn't want to let him down but Tommy on the other hand, had the courage to speak to my father on my behalf. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be an actress today.

Speaking about dreams, Tommy pursued his dream of becoming a footballer, following in the footsteps of my dad. Yep, I did say my dad. My dad is a football legend and Tommy hopes he can be like him someday.

"Sophia Ferguson." My brother said sounding impressed as he walked towards me.

"Thomas Ferguson." I smiled.

Tommy then pulled me into a hug. "I've missed you sis." Tommy said. He always did love his little sister alot.

"I missed you too big bro." I said.

Tommy's hug somehow made me feel safe and for that reason, I didn't want to let go. I wish we could have just stood there for hours but we had to go home and knowing my dad, he's probably gonna talk me into going to the Manchester United game with him.

Oh did I mention that my dad is Sir Alex Ferguson?

And even though he's not the Manchester United manager anymore, he's still part of the club. My dad loves that club so much that he never misses a game. No matter which part of the earth United play, my dad will be at that game.

Once my luggage were loaded, Tommy and I made our way to the car. The ride home was fun. Tommy and I had alot of fun catching up with each other. It seems that my brother has a new girlfriend. Interesting. Can't wait to meet her.

I've never liked any of my brothers previous girlfriends so hopefully this one is different. Well to be fair, my brother never liked any of my boyfriends either, especially Colton. He always found Colton annoying for some reason.

Tommy pulled up in the driveway of our mansion and the first thing I noticed was my parents standing at the front door, waiting for me. I immediately opened the door and jumped out of the parked car.

"MUM! DAD!" I screamed as I ran towards them. I haven't seen my parents in like 6 months so I missed them like crazy. My parents both stretched out their arms and grappled me into a big hug. "I've missed you guys so much." I said as I held onto them tightly.

"We missed you too honey." Mum said.

"I'm really glad you're here, princess." Said my dad.

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