▹ [57] Hollywood Comeback.

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"Alright Rash, we'll see you in a few days." I spoke into the phone.

"Take care of yourself broski." Said Jess.

"Yeah, you guys too." Said Marcus.

"Text me when you land and I mean it, Rash, cause you with your phone... ohhh myyy God." Jesse said and rolled his eyes.

I laughed at Jesse's reaction because we all know how bad Marcus is with his phone. Not actually Instagram but WhatsApp and iMessage. If you send him a message now, you can expect a reply in like 6 hours or so, even though he'll probably be scrolling through his Instagram the entire time.

"Yeah sure will do." Marcus chuckled.

"You better look at your phone because I'm gonna be checking up on you all the time." I warned.

Just like how Jesse is protective over Marcus, so am I. I guess it's because he's sorta the baby from the group of friends that we normally hang out with. I mean Trent is actually the smallest but we don't spend as much time with him than we do with Marcus.

"Stop worrying you guys, I'll be fine...but I will message you both." Marcus said trying to
reassure us that he'll be fine.

"Alright! Talk to you later bro." Jesse said.

"See ya." Said Marcus before Jesse could cut the call.

"So what we're doing first?" Asked Jess as he grabbed his protein shake from the fridge.

Jesse and I flew to Hollywood home in Los Angeles yesterday. Now that Jesse's out injured and will be on the sidelines for 6-8 weeks, we have decided to stay in LA for his recovery period. That way, I can go back to work to shoot my final season of Teenage Drama and won't actually be 5,281 miles away from him. We were a bit worried that the United board wouldn't accept Jesse's request to carry out his rehabilitation in Los Angeles, but thankfully the board was graceful enough to accept it.

"Well I have to go to set first, to make my presence known, get some feedback about the new season and obviously make my announcement." I said and looked down at the script that was laying in front of me.

Today is a huge day for me. It's the day I announce my departure from Teenage Drama. The studio and I were able to come to an agreement that I will shoot season 4 of Teenage Drama, provided it be my last.

Making the decision to leave the show was hard but unfortunately my heart is set on moving back to England for good. My decision to leave Los Angeles doesn't necessarily mean that I'm quitting acting, it just means that I'm not going back to America anytime soon.

Being just 24 years of age, means that I could always come back to Hollywood anytime in the future. With the credentials that I have against my name, I'm pretty sure that I won't be jobless for long. Opportunities are sure to come my way when I officially move back to England in 3 months time.

"About that..." Jesse said and trailed off. He placed his protein shake on the counter and walked towards me. "Babe, this is your career we are talking about, are you sure you wanna throw it all away?" He asked and looked deeply into my eyes.

"I'm not throwing it away. I'm just leaving America." I chuckled. "I'm not quitting acting. I'm just restricting my jobs to Europe and Europe only." I said and smiled slightly at him.

Jesse took my hand in his and gently brushed his thumb over my skin. "I just don't want you to regret your decision in the future. Especially not for me." Said Jess.

"Babe," I said and placed my hand on his left cheek, "I made this decision by listening to my heart and my heart is telling me that I belong in Manchester not here. Yes, I've had some great memories here in this house, in Hollywood....but none of them compare to the ones that I have in Manchester. There's just something about that place that makes it so special." I said and smiled.

Jesse immediately laughed. "I think it's me." He chuckled, causing me to laugh.

"Definitely you, Babe." I said and smiled.


2 hours later.

Jesse pulled up in my allocated parking spot outside the studio. A smile immediately appeared on my face as I looked around. The truth is, as much as I hate to admit it; I've missed this place. Teenage Drama is one of the show's that gave me my rise to Stardom and for that, I will always be grateful.

I jumped out of the car and was immediately greeted by a familiar face. "Sophia, baby it's so good to see you." Said my TD stylist, Brian.

"BRIAN!" I yelled and immediately grappled him into a hug. "Ohhh I've missed you sooo much." I said and hugged him tightly, pulling away after a few seconds.

"So babe, how was England? Oh you've gotta spill all the deets. I want to know everything that happened with Dele and Jesse. I don't know how you were able to make a decision. Gosh they are both so fine." Brian babbled. His hand actions was definitely what I missed about him. Then suddenly, Brian gasped. I turned to look at him after zoning out for a bit and caught him staring at Jesse.

I immediately started laughing because I knew that he didn't expect Jesse to be there at that moment. "Brian, this is my boyfriend, Jesse Lingard. Jess, this is my stylist, Brian McIntyre." I introduced them.

"Pleasure to meet you." Said Jess as he stuck a hand out to Brian.

"Pleasures all mine darling." Brian said and shook Jesse's hand.

45 minutes later.

After finally introducing Jesse to everyone, the entire cast and crew gathered together on the set of TD after Mark called for a meeting. The meeting was called mainly for me to make my announcement and for Mark to introduce us to the addition cast members for season 4.

One of the new cast members will be playing the new character named Trevor. Trevor is set to be my new love interest. Season 4 is practically based on a love triangle between Bella, Chase and Trevor. Bella has to make the hard decision as to who she wants to be with.

"So I've called you all here today for two things. One, to introduce you to your new co-stars and two, our star of the show, Sophia has an announcement to make. But first, without wasting anymore time, cast and crew please help me welcome the guy who will be playing Trevor Scott..."

(....to be revealed in the next chapter😏)


Ahhhh Cliffhanger 😳 SORRY!!!! 👀😅
Any guesses as to who you think Trevor is??? 🤔
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