▹ [89] Parentals.

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One Week Later.

"Have you heard from Dele?" Asked Madison as we sat inside of The Grill. We had just finished having breakfast and was now waiting for the bill.

"He checks up every now and then but as a concerned friend and not a boyfriend." I said and as I put my phone in my sling bag.

"Ouch, that must hurt." Marcus said, stating the obvious.

I wouldn't say that I have been receiving the cold treatment from Dele because I'm not. He does show some concern, although he speaks to me like a friend, rather than as a girlfriend and I have to admit, that really hurts. I guess our relationship is more over that I thought it would be.

"It does but I'm just taking it one day at a time. I'm giving him the space that he asked for and I'm just hoping that he gives me an answer as soon as possible. But for now, I don't really think that the term boyfriend is the most appropriate term to use." I explained my sad love life.

I completely respect Dele's decision on calling time on our relationship because I know that this is alot for him to take in and handle but I really do miss him. Dele means so much to me and I love him unconditionally and I honestly don't want to lose him.

"I'm sorry, Soph." Said Marcus as he placed a hand on mine.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. "It's okay. My main focus right now is this baby that's growing inside of me." I said. I then took a bit of my waffle.

"Oh my God. I'm so excited. I can't wait to be an aunt." Madison said. You could hear the excitement in her voice.

"You and Jesse are going to be great parents." Marcus said with a smile on his face.

"I really hope so." I said.

Just then the waiter had arrived with the bill. "This one is on me." Said Marcus as he immediately grabbed the bill. The three of us argued about who should pay the bill for about 30 seconds but in the end, it was Marcus who ended up winning the argument. We then left the grill and Marcus dropped me off at home, where Jesse was nervously waiting.

Today is the day, the day that Jesse and I tell my parents that they are going to be grandparents. I am really scared of what they are going to say when they find out that Jesse is the father of my baby.

Half an hour later.

Sitting in the living room of my house, there was dead silence. It was so quiet that I could actually hear my father breathing from across the room. I had just told my parents that I was pregnant with Jesse's child and the look on their faces made me wish I hadn't come back to England at all.

"Darling, please tell me that this is some kind of a joke?" My mother said.

"I wouldn't joke about something like this mom. Why do you think that Jesse's here?" I asked.

My mother then stood up angrily. "After everything that you have already done to this family, all the scandals you have brought to the Ferguson name, you just had to go and make it even worst. Sleeping and getting pregnant with a man that is not even your boyfriend, how could you even be so selfish?" Asked my mother.

Tears rolled down my eyes uncontrollably as my heart crumbled into pieces. "I....I didn't mean too." I managed to say.

"You always don't mean too, Sophia."  My mother said. She shook her head before walking out of the living room.

I then looked to my dad. "Dad." I called out to him.

My father got up from his seat and walked towards me. "I will talk to her, princess." Said my father before he walked out of the room.

I covered my face with my hands and continued to cry as Jesse gently placed a hand on my lower back.  He started to rub it slowly and that eased up my crying. I was happy and so grateful that Jesse made time to do this with him because I don't even know what I would have done if he wasn't here to support me.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed. I looked at my phone and it was a message from him.

Baby♥️: I made a decision. See you in a few hours.



Oh boy indeed😳

Dele's made a decision, what do you think it is? 🤔
11 chapters to go😔

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