▹ [58] The Ex Games - Part 2.

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My heart stopped at the sound of his name. My eyes widened and my jaw immediately dropped to the ground. I felt the air on my hands begin to stand up as goosebumps were starting to form on my skin. My breathing hitched, causing me to swallow as he slowly entered the set.

The sight of him made my heart race while my stomach started to do backflips. I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt a hand grab a firm hold onto mine. I didn't even have to look to know that it was Jesse who had intertwined our fingers. By only just his touch, I felt an immediate sense of relief.

My new co-star looked me with guilt in his eyes and that is when I realize that coming to work everyday was going to be torture, not only having to deal with seeing Alice everyday but now, also my beloved ex boyfriend.

Colton Haynes.

"Hello everybody! My name is Colton, and I'm looking forward to working with all of you." Colton said and gave everyone a friendly smile.

His smile made me want to slap him across the face so hard for what he did to me but at the same time I was a little happy that my break up with him sent me back home. If it wasn't for Colton, I wouldn't have gone back home to spend time with my family. I wouldn't have gotten back together with the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with, Jesse. So, in a way, my break up with Colton was a good thing.

Just then Alice made a late arrival. The moment she laid eyes on Colton, she dropped her bag on the floor and ran towards him. "COLTON!" She screamed and grappled him into a big hug, causing me to roll my eyes.

Danny immediately made eye contact with me. He opened his eyes wide, which made me chuckled beneath my breath. I then turned to look at Jesse and smiled at him. He gave me hand a small squeeze and smiled at me.

"Okay cast and crew, now comes the.. well I'll let her tell you herself. Sophia.." Mark said and nodded at me.

"Okay!" I said and let out a deep breath. "I still remember my first day on set. Phew! It was hard, alright! I was scared. I was scared because I didn't know anyone else besides Alice. I was new in the acting industry and I didn't actually know what to expect. I walked onto set for the first time, and literally 5 steps into the building, I froze. I froze at the sight of all these strangers and all I could think about was whether I would actually become friends with these people and work well with them. At that time I didn't know that in the long run, these people would actually be the ones that would became my family." I said and looked around the room at every single person apart of Teenage Drama.

I took a deep breath before speaking again. "Since that moment, I've had alot of memories on this show, some of which that I will treasure and others not so much." I chuckled.

"This show has taught me so many different life lessons and things. It also gave me my platform in Hollywood and that is why it will always have a very special place in my heart." I said and paused. I squeezed Jesse's hand and bit my lower lip, in an attempt to prevent myself from crying.

"But you know what they say..." I muttered. "All.." I said as tears started streaming down my face. "All good things must come to an end and unfortunately my journey on this show has reached the end." I said and immediately people started to gasp.

Finally being able to build up the courage to speak properly again, I made my announcement. "This season will be my last season on this show. I'm officially stepping down from the role of Bella Hartley." I said.

Making the announcement was harder than I thought it'd be. I rested my head against Jesse's shoulder as I wiped the tears off my face.

"Sad news to hear on our first day back but we respect the decisions of all our employees. Sophia, darling, I wish you everything of the best in the future. It's been an absolute joy being your boss and I say this on behalf of everyone standing here, we're definitely going to miss you.... but we still have you for one last season so we are going to try and make it the best season possible." Said Mark.

"Thanks Mark. I appreciate it."

I have no regrets about my decision to leave the show. The fact that Colton has now joined, makes my departure from the show all the more important. I'm glad that the timing turned out to be perfect. It's strange how sometimes things happen a reason.


Colton Is HERE!!! 😳
Did anyone see that coming? 👀
What are your thoughts guys? What do you think is going to happen now that Sophia and Colton work together? 🤔

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