▹ [37] The Return.

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"Sounds like you're ready to have a party." Said a person from behind me. My eyes widened at the sound of that voice. That voice I hated so much.

I turned around to meet the brown eyes of my ex best friend.

Alice Forrester.

"You know you got alot of nerve to come back and show your face here after what you did." I said with a straight face.

My blood was starting to boil. My nostrils started to flare as I grew angrier by the second. Just looking at her made me wanna punch her in the face so hard that it would render her unconscious. I clenched my fists in frustration as she just stood there with a smile on her face.

"I'm fluttered that my face makes you that angry.." said Alice as she looked at my clenched fists, "but I'm not here to cause any trouble. I just came to offer you my deepest condolences. Your brother was a very nice person. I know how much he meant to you and I'm incredibly sorry for your loss." Said Alice.

She pretended like nothing had happened between us. Like she never vowed to get revenge on me and like she never slept with Dele. She acted so innocent and it was making me sick.

"Cut the crap, Alice. I know you don't give a damn about me or my dead brother. So why don't you say what you really want to say and get over and done with it?" I said.

Today, I wasn't going to take Alice's nonsense. I was ready for her. I was ready to bury her alive with words. I wasn't buying anything she was saying. There's no way that she came back here to condole me. This is all an act. She is an actress after all.

"I know you, Alice. You came back to cause me more pain. You probably already have a plan in place to break my relationship with Jesse but it's not going to work." I said. I sounded alot more confident that I expected too.

"I don't have to do anything to cause you pain. Me just being here does enough of that." Alice smirked.

God, I wish I could smack that smirk right off her face.

I felt my throat become tight. I was now struggling to breathe. My anxiety was starting to kick in but I decided to fight against it. I closed my eyes and swallowed.

"You're supposed to be my best friend. Best friends don't sleep with each other's boyfriends." I whispered.

Alice simply just laughed. How can she be so cold? "Oh honey, I was never your best friend." She chuckled. I watched as she removed the little hair that fell on her face. Alice had a smug on her face that suggested that she was proud of everything that she did to me. It was like she had won the race or something.

"You are right. You were never really my best friend. You were always the psychotic little bitch who trembled in my shadow. You did so in Hollywood, in Teenage Drama and guess what Alice, you still do. You were nothing before you meant me." I smirked. "No matter what happens in this world, you will always bein the shadow of the great Sophia Ferguson. You know it and you hate it." I said.

"SOPH!" Said Danny as he grabbed my hand. I turned to look at him and he had a straight face. "That's enough. Let's go!" Daniel ordered.

I finally snapped. I tried to stay quiet but Alice just kept on pushing me. I don't regret what I said. It was all the truth. I was actually happy that I finally said it. It felt really good to let it all out.

The truth hurts.

I grabbed my bag from the counter as Danny paid for our drinks. Alice just stood there with crocodile tears in her eyes. They were probably fake. I smiled at Liam before taking a step forward. I stopped when I realized that there was one more thing I needed to do.

I turned around and looked at Alice. "Oh and Alice, one more thing. This one is for Dele." I said and out of nowhere I punched Alice in the face. Alice screamed in agony. I felt Danny's arms get wrapped around my waist as I starred at Alice.


An Hour Later.

"Miss Sophia, you have a guest." Said Andre.

"Thank you, Andre." I said.

I didn't even bother to turn around because I already knew who it was. He walked towards me and sat down next to me.

"So you punched her? In public." Said Jesse, stating the obvious.

"Yeah." I said and made eye contact with my boyfriend.

"Why?" He asked as he placed a hand on mine. He gave it a little squeeze which made me smile slightly.

"I don't know." I said. "She kept on pushing me and pushing me...." I said and paused. I looked to the ground as I tried to figure out why I did what I did. I know I was angry but I'm not someone to just leash out at someone. "Until I eventually snapped." I admitted slyly.

Jesse stayed quiet for a bit. I knew he wasn't angry but.. but he was definitely disappointed in me and that hurt me.

"I don't know why I did that. I don't know everything." I sighed. "Why would I even do something like that? What is happening to me?" I asked as tears filled my eyes.

"I don't know but we will figure it out." Said Jesse as he kissed my forehead.


I'm so sorry for the lack of updates in the last few weeks. Unfortunately I've been suffering with Writers Block🤦🏼‍♀️
I have the story planned out, I just don't know how to put it to words 😢 so please bare with me💙

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